

Waiting for the Train
A guy named Shlok was an average grown-up who became a doctor with a simple life. Since childhood, It was his ambition to be a doctor who treated his patients properly. He was so persistent to be it. Even with the support of his mother, who never be judgemental to him, always cheered up her son If he ever felt like he needed to give up. His mother was obviously like a friend to him who never ceased to encourage him. Once Shlok became a doctor, He lived his life to the fullest. However, there was a time that arrived where his mother's friend wanted to explore the beautiful village. That's how she offered his mother to go with her and his mother accepted it while Shlok was so happy about how his mother will have a piece of joy as it was her first time to explore somewhere. Shlok helped his mother for the packup and took her to the station where her friend was waiting there for her. Once Shlok was about to say goodbye to her, they both hugged each other. After that, his mother took a train called Gajanan Express with her friend and left the place. Shlok knew that she would come after a week. Once his mother was traveling in the train with her friend, A massive train collision occurred where many passengers died including his mother and his mother's friend. After a week, shlok was oblivious about that train incident news because of how busy he got on his work while there wasn't a TV around his workplace and he didn't usually watch phone and TV in the home. He always used his phone for the call and messaging. After He realised his mother didn't call or text him, He went to the Station to wait for the train. It had been 3-4 hours since he was waiting there. Then he asked someone, “Excuse me, sir. Can you tell me when the arrival of Gajanan Express will come?” Then somebody replied,“ That train was crashed in the collision. didn't you see the news?” after hearing that, Shlok immediately saw the news on the phone. He was shocked after seeing the news. After the devastating grief he took, he left the station and reached home. He was in sorrow after what happened and how he didn't watch the news about it earlier.
Due to that, He always went to the station in the dawn and stood there for a while everyday just to remember the last time he saw his mother.