


I hath awaited your return letter far too long tis seems as if the messangers are not doing dilligance, maybe its just my raw anticipation gettig the better of me. How ever i am on pins and needles awaiting that one i open up and read the words " i have found him a last" i can hardly contain myself my lord. If it is any consolation to your cause id love for you to understand that i shall never forget about what your doing for me and regardless of the outcome i hope it to be a great relationship that we hath embarked upon you and i. The other night ago i was in a horrible tavern ( please excuse my words) for i know it to not be proper for a lady to be in such a place but in this quest to locate my brother i will stop at nothing. Haveing your support hath givin me purpose and will to continue even when all else would have me surrender. For this i will remain forever greatfull to you and your kingdom i shall pleadge my undying alliances. I hath found myself wondering around thinking of what conversations we will have once we are face to face i look into the eyes of your portrait and i imagine it is your my lord that i am looking to and i get a strange sensation in my center like bees fluttering buzzing all around in my tummy is that normal i assume it isnt and then i feel so delighted by it that i look at your portraits eyes once more. Your highness am i at fault for doing so.? I do so understand the true nature of my feeling this way and how it would not sit well with some members of your cabinet, although it would please me very much if it were to actually take place....you know you and i...well please forgive me sire for assuming that youd dare share such feelings as i have for you i hope it dose not offend your royal highness by my just saying shuch. I would absolutely be simply embarrassed if id misunderstood your letter.
Truely i am sorry if so Sire. Forgive me.
