

24 years ago when i was 18 my mom told me that we have guest. they wanted to propose me for their son. we prepared everything for them and waited.as gift, they brought us 2 apple boxes. my younger brother put them in the kitchen where my sisters and i sat. they started to speak and we listened. my brother wanted to eat apple but my sister didn’t let him.second time, i said “they brought for us so we can eat them”. as soon as i told this , 5 children rushed into apple boxes. i just saved one apple box and my siblings got rid of another box. after 45 minutes guests got ready to leave. my father rejected their proposal.we all stood up to convoy them that suddenly family’s father said “please bring apple boxes”. we got shocked. it was very rude because of the rejection they asked us to return boxes. that moment i thought that thanks god i didn’t let them to eat both. anyway my brother gave apple box to them. they left our home and never came back again.