

Misplaced Opportunity
The opportunity came from nowhere. An old student of mine was doing a Broadway play. I hadn't seen nor heard from him in 40 years. He found me on the internet, and said, "I'm producing a Broadway play and there's a part in the play that only you can play. It is the part of the queen." It was incredulous because I had dreamed of being in the Broadway play all of my life. The next thing I recollect, it was opening night. I don't remember rehearsing for the play, but evidently, I did because there I was on opening night in full makeup and elaborate regalia as a Mid-Evil-Queen. However, just before the curtain call, I had a horrifying reality. I did not know one line of the play. I attempted to read the other actor's scripts. Yet, everything was a blur. I could not find my character in their scripts. In a genuine white-hot blind terror, I was thinking maybe I could go on stage and read my lines. But I couldn't find my lines in the scripts. I ended up going on stage and when it was my time to speak I was silent. Finally, at the end when it was my time to speak I didn't appear on stage. I stayed in the dressing room hoping no one would notice. I was defeated. The play was almost over. Many of the actors just stood still waiting for me to utter my line, however, many of the actors went on with the play without me. Demoralized, I kept thinking this was my big dream. What just happened? Here was my chance of a lifetime. This is what I had prayed for 40 years since I was six years old. Yet for some reason, I simply did not study my lines. The moral of this story is: always study your script. Be prepared for opportunities.
© China Clark