

Asking for candy
Yesterday I asked me Grandma for candy and she gave it to me. It was delicious. My grandmother was Perhaps one of the sweetest person in the world.
When I used to visit her she would tell me that when life gives you lemons plant a lemon tree and hope it attracts bees so your world will seem less bitter. So she gave me candy.

She gave me candy so I wouldn't be bitter. My parents didn't see this fitting, they had Hope's of less sugar, less calories, less processed more protein. They had a loathing towards sugar. And average. Was a word that would get you buried alive. Believe me.

This backfired on me because I loved candy. So one day I asked, "May I please have candy?". Outrage would be an understatement. No the less I could feel my desire turning it's back on me. Weeks later my world felt bitter. It felt like my lemons had out grew me. Those days I woke up bitter. Though so. I still ask for candy.

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