The first report of the Humani Imortuae ( 1978 )
This is the first report of the 1st generation of Humani Imortuae told by a surviving witness that was attacked by one in 1969
I arrived at the Medusa Hotel to meet up with my friend Greg Van Robings
Wer were planning to go hangout with my teammates at one of Jay Brommel's memorable parties
I took the stairs and headed to the 4th floor
As I was walking up to his room
I noticed his room door was open
I arrived at the Medusa Hotel to meet up with my friend Greg Van Robings
Wer were planning to go hangout with my teammates at one of Jay Brommel's memorable parties
I took the stairs and headed to the 4th floor
As I was walking up to his room
I noticed his room door was open