

Chapter Thirty-One
Nathan's P.O.V

Mark finally got up.

"I'm never fighting another Vampire again, I'll do what Lana dose and just try to make friends with them"He said.

Candy help him up and kisses him.

"I think that just healed me"He said.
"Can garlic kill you?"Rosa asked.
"Don't think so, also that's a random question"Mark said.
"Saw it in a book from the schools Library"She said.
"What's garlic gotta do with anything?"I asked.
"Oh right"Mark said.
"Did he tell you anything that might lead as to were Lana is"I asked.
"No, but he told me he was gonna drink her blood"Mark said.
"Ooh because that's the only thing Vampires candy drink"Rosa said.
"How many books have you read in that library?"I asked.
"Enough to know about the wars that happened, I didn't believe any of the books at first but I still prepared myself for the day I met a vampire"She said.
"Did you know I was a vampire?"I asked.
"That was the whole reason I started going around to people and videoed them asking questions so it doesn't seem weird. Because I know you don't have reflections, One day Nathan accidentally walked in one of my videos but you weren't there."She said.
"Smart girl"Mark said.

Candy looked at him.

"What?"He asked.

Lana's P.O.V

"So tell me about your highschool life"Olivia asked.
"Um.. it was fun"I said.
"Did you have many friends?"She asked.
"Well, No. I only had two best friends"I said.
"Were are they?"She asked.
"One is back at the wedding and the other is dead"I said.
"What killed him?"She asked.
"He died of..... I didn't say he was a he"I said.
"I had a lucky guess"She said.
"Yeah..."I said.
"Would you like something to drink?"She asked.

So you can poison me?

"No thanks"I said.
"Oh I'm sure you'd like something"She said.

She got up and started heading to what seemed like a kitchen. I took a lamp of a table and hit her in head head. I went outside only to see that the same boy was standing there.

"Were do you think your going?"He asked.

Well it's either now or never.

I screamed really loudly.

Nathan's P.O.V

"Kylo, the last time Lana was kidnapped you put a tracker on her phone right?"I asked.
"Yeah, I forgot about that, I'll just get-"
"Shut up!"I said.
"You ju-"
"I said shut up!"

Far away in the distance I heard he scream.

"Nathan is something wrong?"Candy asked.

I ran towards her and they all followed me.

"Where are we going?"Mark asked.
"I know where Lana is"I said.
"How exactly?"Candy asked.
"I heard her"I said.
"This is so cool yet Soo scary at the same time"Rosa said.
"Why would you bring her?"I asked Kylo.
"Why not"He said.
"What if they attack Lana's Mom"I said.
"And you thought her a human could fight off a Vampire"Kylo said.
"If I could I'd make a video of this and put it on Instagram"Rosa Complained.
"Can you still here her?"Candy asked.
"No, but her scream came from this direction"I said.

Lana's P.O.V

"It's cute how you thought you'd just escape like that, did Nathan tell you about me"Olivia Olivia asked.

I was sitting in a chair they didn't tie me up or anything, because if I ran the boy would catch me.

"Yeah, he's told me a lot about you"I said.
"Did he also tell you about what happened the night before he came back home after taking a really long time?"She asked.
"Are you taking about when he went looking for my mom?"I asked.
"Yeah"She said.
"No"I said.
"I mean why would he, I can't blame the boy if he doesn't kiss and tell"She said.
"I'm not an idiot I know your just trying to make me jealous I'm sorry but it's not working. If anything you should be jealous if me. Because I'm the one sitting in a wedding dress from Nathan and my wedding while your just wearing a minni skirt with a T-shirt and heels"I said.
"Has he ever tasted your blood?"She asked.
"Yep"I said.

She groanded.

"Has he ever killed someone for you?"She asked.
"Okay let's see, there was Noah and Alex that guy who held me at gunpoint ooh and..."
"SHUT UP!"She said.
"I bet you've never been outside with him"She said.
"Well me him and Sophie had a really great time at the movies and the park"I said.
"Just Shut up"She said.
"You're the one asking questions"I said.

She groans again.

"Hey, remember what you promised me for taking her"The boy said.
"Jace? Do see a Nathan here?"She asked.

So his name is Jace then.

"No"He said.
"Well you don't get it yet"She said.
"What did you guys deal over?"I asked.
"We were not talking to you"Olivia said.

Anyone ever told you that you act like a little girl?

Jace crack up a bit.

"What? What's so funny?"Candy asked.
"She just asked if 'Anyone's ever told you that you act like a little girl'" Jace said.

Wait was he reading my mind?

"Yes, yes I was"He said.

You are hearing everythought I'm thinking of?

"Yeah"He said.

Oh great now I have to be careful what u think about now.

"Anyways what was the deal you both had?"I asked.
"Simple, Normally I don't let people boss me around but she said if I found you and brought you to her she'd let me have your blood"Jace said.

"Oh"I said.

"No I said of you brought her here and lead Nathan here only then will you have her blood!"Olivia said.
"Olivia why do you love Nathan so much?"I asked.
"Because Lana I'm the first girl that he's ever really loved other than all the others, but of course even with me he was still thinking about you"She said.
"Yeesh I wonder why"I said.

Because he loved me all along but I was just too young at the time, jeez Olivia must be really old she is such a Crazy woman.

The both started laughing.

Crap I forgot, Why am I always forgeting things.

"What did she just think?"Olivia asked Jace.
"Oh nothing"He said.
"Ugh I need a drink, watch her"Olivia said.
"Sure"Jace said.

Olivia walked out the room.

"Oh come on Jace you look a really nice guy, you seem like you've never hurt anyone so why don't you just help me go back home"I said.
"Whats in it for me?"He asked.
"Um....You get to live in a Mansion and travel the world"I said.
"I've traveled the world before, it is filled with lots of secrets"He said.
"Could I offer you animal blood?"I asked.
"Human blood is the most sweetest blood, especially the humans who takes very good care of there health"He said.
"I don't take care of my self at all"I said.

of course I do.. Crap!

"I love reading your mind, your thoughts are funny"He said.
"Do you know what goes on in Olivia's mind?"I asked.
"Just memories of her and Nathan"He said.
"oh, wait... your a vampire and she's just a human. I know you had a deal for my blood but what's stopping you from killing her?"I asked.

He sat down beside me.

"You know, I like you"He said.
"But you wanna kill me"I said.
"I didn't mean like like, I just like you"He said.
"Then please don't kill me"I begged.
"That's not your desision to make"He said.
"But you really don't have to do this"I said.

Olivia came back in.

"I'm going to the store, Jace you can now have her Nate will be here soon"She said.

With that she went out through the door that lead to the garage.

Jace was now smiling at me.

I got up and backed away from him.

"Please?"I begged.
"No"He said.

His eyes glowed a burgundy color and his fangs grew.

He slowly walked over to me and licked his lips.

He moved his face closer to mine.

"Hmm... your not scared"He said.
"I try to be calm in situations like this"I said.
"Ok then"He said.

I was not laying in the same sofa and he was on top of me.

"Are you scared now?"He asked.
"No"I said.

He got up and pulled me up and held me by my throat.

"Now?"He asked.

He squeezed down a bit.


He let go.

"Do you like when people are scared of you?"I asked.
"No, I like when people give up on life. That makes it satisfying to kill them"He said.
"I don't just give up"I said.
"I figured"He said.
"And you don't have to kill me"I said.
"Olivia's orders"He said.
"Why don't you just kill her"I said.
"Don't want to"I said.

I gasped.

"You like her"I said.
"Yeah, even if she's Crazy"He said.
"Then why don't you tell her"I said.
"She's too in love with Nathan"He said.
"Why don't you just kiss her at a random time, I !ran she's crazy anyways she might even just fall in love with you right then and there"I said.
"No she wouldn't"He said.

The doors opened.

"Why is she still here!"Olivia yelled.
"Your back just in time"Jace said.
"Why?"Olivia asked.
"Nathan is a few miles away"He said.
"And how do you know that?"I asked.
"I can hear him actually them, and one is bringing a human"He said.
"Take her out of here!"Olivia said.
"Ok"Jace said picking me up.
"No! wait! PUT ME DOWN!"I demanded.

He ran off with me.

Nathan's P.O.V

We finally reached the house.

"Are you sure she's in there?"Mark asked.
"Just wait out here"I said.

I was going to break the door knob but the door was open. I went inside Olivia was standing right there she closed the door behind me.

"Where is Lana?"I asked.
"She's gone"She said.
"Where?"I asked.
"I dunno maybe heaven or hell"She said.
"Stop joking around and tell me where she is"I said.
"I'm serious I don't know"She said.
"Olivia!"I yelled.
"Yeah?"She asked.

I groaned.

"Nathan I am the first girl that you actually loved, Why would you break up with me?"She asked.
"Olivia, You were just a distraction"I said.

I walked out.

"You told me you loved me!"She yelled walking out with me.
"I said alot of things didn't really mean it."I said.
"Olivia, get over it. We broke up and I don't love you life goes on."I said.
"Olivia you seem like a really nice girl tell me where my best friend is and I won't hurt you"Candy said.
"Or?"Olivia asked.

Mark grabbed Candy's Arm.

"This is neither the time or place"He said.
"All I can say is that before you got here Jace took her somewhere"Olivia said.

Lana's P.O.V

I have no idea where we are, because he had put a blind fold over my eyes and my hands were tied behind me. He did not tie up my feet.

I can't see a thing and I think I'm gonna start panicking.

I think I'm sitting in the corner of a room.

"Hey! Tell me where I am"I said.
"No"He said.
"You brought me here to kill me right?"I asked.
"Maybe"He said.
"Then let me go!"I said.
"No"He said once again.

I was struggling to get my hands loose.

"You do know that I'm looking at you right now right?"He asked.
"Oh really? I didn't see!"I said sarcastically.
"The blindfold is just for fun"He said.
"Your weird"I said.
"Hmm didn't think of myself that way, but whatever you say"He said.
"If you live Olivia as much as how Nathan loves me them I'm sure you wouldn't want to find out that she's dead"I said.
"Your cute, trying to get yourself out of this"He said.
"You really don't have to do this"I said.
"You know, your getting really annoying saying that"He said.
"If your waiting for me to just give up just know it's not gonna happen"I said.
"I'm not waiting for that, I read Olivia's mind she wants me to kill you Infront of Nathan"He said.
"If you do that Nathan will get really Angry"I said.
"Really? and what is he gonna do to me? He couldn't even catch me"He said.
"Sure he's not fast as you, but are you as strong?"I asked.
"What's that supposed to mean?"He asked.

Oh nothing, Just that you probably use your speed so often your never actually testes your strength.

"Oh, so you think Nathan is a hole lot stronger than me?"He asked.

And cuter, and hotter and...

"Stop talking"He said.
"I'm not talking, why don't you just stop reading my mind"I said.
"Hmm would he be more Angrier if I did this to you?"He asked.
"What?"I asked.

I felt his hand sliding under my dress to my leg.

"stop it!" I said kicking at him.

He took my feet in his hands.

"Your stubborn"He said.
"Don't touch me!"I said.
"I can do whatever I want to you"He said.
"I won't allow it!"I said.
"We'll see about that, and just to make it more interesting. I'll untie your hands and keep touching you, if you take the blindfold off I'll stop"He said.
"I'm not playing your game"I said.
"Come on, it'll be fun"He said.
"I'm not gonna"I said.
"Well then, I guess we'll have to do it my way then"He said.

He picked me up.

"Where are we going? What are you doing? Put me down!"I said.
"Why don't you just shut up"He said.

I'm going to scream.

"Try that and something's going over those lips of yours."He said.

Nathan's P.O.V

"I'm only gonna ask you one last time Olivia"I said.
"ok here's a deal if you kiss me, I'll tell you"She said.
"I'm not kissing you"I said.
"Oh well"She said.
"I'll let Candy go"Mark said.
"Whatever, Nate wouldn't let her do a thing to me"She said.

I looked at Mark and smirked he released Candy's Arm.

Candy walked over to Olivia as her eyes turned red.

"Alright you little b*tch"She said.

She grab Olivia by her hair turned her around put her down on her knees and took her left arm using her foot to kick her back.

"Tell me where she is and I won't pull your arm off your body."She said.
"Please"Olivia said Annoyed.

I stand Infront of Olivia, and looked at her.

"Wait aren't you gonna do anything?"She asked.

I gasped.

"Oh my god Candy please don't hurt her"I said sarcastically.

Candy Pulled on her arm.

"Better start talking"Candy said.

She turn her arm a bit.

"Maybe I should break your arm off."Candy said.

I chuckled a bit.

"Ok fine, Jace took her to another house, it's not that far from here. I'll bring you there for a kiss"Olivia said.
"Wow she is Crazy"Rosa said.

She took out her phone and took a picture of Olivia and Candy.
I looked at her.

"What? I'm making memories.... and Candy is not in it. Wait how do you have so many pictures in your house then?"She asked.
"You've been in the house?"I asked.
"Yes"She said.
"They are pictures, they're paintings one Vampire stands till on pose for a few seconds the other Vampires paints it"He said.
"That's a cool way to take a picture"Rosa said puting her phone back in her pocket.

Candy took up Olivia.

"If you bring us to the wrong place I'll take your arms and your legs!"Candy said.
"She really loves her best friend just be glad she didn't say your head"Mark said.
"That too!"Candy said.
"Ugh...geez come with me."Olivia said.

She got in her car that was parked out front of the house.

"Why don't you go with her"I said to Rosa.
"Sure... I'd just like to say it is So cool being here with you guys."She said going in the car.

Olivia drove off and the Res of us Ran off beside the Car.

© kel