

Pigeon is not a dumb bird
"I have achieved the success and things I once dreamt of, but the people with whom I shared those dreams are no longer by my side."

I was born into a middle-class family, and like others of my kind, I want to provide my family with everything they dreamt of so that they can flex on those who look down on them for wearing the same outfits over and over at family gatherings. That's why I made the decision to be the richest person anyone has ever seen. However, the only problem with me was :
" like a wave in the ocean that knows it must reach the shore but, due to its affection for the wind, swims in the opposite direction."

Despite being aware of my dream, I chose to live like a pigeon, closing my eyes every time the family endured hardships during the early spring of my youth. Fortunately, that phase passed, as after all, a pigeon is not considered a dumb bird.

Just when I thought my life was heading in a straight path, a certain person chose to shine as a star in the sky of my nights. She was the one I planned my future for. She was the queen in the chess of my life. I tried so hard to protect her against the golden fingers, but I wasn't good enough. All I was left with was mere pawns. I was out of my senses and didn't realize that pawns, in certain situations, can evolve into other pieces. And mine evolved. They controlled me even though I was the one playing.

I was certain that in ten to fifteen years from now, I would be rich, but the one thing I wasn't sure about was whether the people I wanted to be rich for would survive until then. What's the point of making the most delicious dish in the world when my arms are tied? What will I do when the delicious dish is on the table, and I'm sitting in the chair, unable to lift the spoon?

"The past is useless, and the future is like an elf; who nobody knows when will get pregnant. So, what are we left with? The present. "

Being rich is still the plan, but more than anything, I want to live freely and make my planets enjoy their lives.

© balpreet singh

postscripts :

"This is an anotherwork (a story) from my anthology titled 'A Sky That Houses Billions of Stars.' This anthology will feature a collection of poems, stories, and quotes."