

Engaging The Moment
On the fields of the National Youth Service Corps(NYSC) Orientation Camp, morning after morning at the sound of the whistle every white foul (occasioned by the fact that we had a white shirt and short on most of the time) as we were fondly called must rise!

Right there on the field, every of those mornings, the morning drills never was complete without the recitation of the daily meditation.

Well, prior to the day it was the turn of a platoon to deliver its speech on a caption which was its emblem, submission of several write-ups from such platoon was sent for scrutiny and the one communicating the most striking message was chosen.

I too was driven with need to write and yes, I wrote on the caption "dedication" as that was the emblem of my platoon.

All through those twenty-one (21) solid days on camp, my platoon, platoon four (4), had opportunity to deliver a speech and yours sincerely had his written, submitted, scrutinized and read all of those times.

My point!

Every write-up so written was done without the need for search engine! Well, maybe because my mobile phone had some issues at that time.
However, I had access only to my knowledge bank and from there the pen found expression.

Every opportunity to learn something new is one we ought not trevialise as you never know how relevant that skill, that new book, that seminar or that verse of scripture is until you're faced with a situation.

Someone ones said, those who pray in days of pleasure are never committed to pray under pressure.

Put every minute to work and you'll see things work.

