

One task at a time|StresslessLife
Life can choke you out if you let it! Our minds are like circuit breakers- when you overload it, it blows!
People have no idea how badly mental stress can truly fuck you up! We go around in life adding so much to our plates and never make the connection as to why we feel so overwhelmed. It’s amazing how we forget that we added a new job, more bills, a new house, a new baby, just got married, etc.

When your mind is clouded and full of shit, it can sometimes give you the illusion that you might be physically ill or simply unable to perform like you used to. It might feel like you are losing steps and I am not talking about running steps, I am talking about steps in life.

It’s important not to add too many things to your life at one time. Add one thing at a time and allow your mind time to adapt to the new stressors.

When your mind becomes overwhelmed, you become scatterbrained.

Make sure you find a way to reset that blown circuit breaker in your mind, by putting yourself into a state of being singularly focused on the task at hand!

When it blows, it doesn’t mean shit is broken, it just means you need to go back to the panel and reset it.