

My dad
Write a story based on the phrase "You will realize a person's worth when they are gone."

I never thought it will be this way,
I never thought you will really leave,
I always thought you will be there,
I am not really that happy neither am i sad.
But guess what I have become the woman you taught me to be strong,brave,smart and a beautiful young lady.
Some people have there own reason to love there parent well I have mine.
When I was born I had a problem with breathing the doctor said that I had to do a surgery or I mant die and I don't want to die.
So what does that thing do?
Each time is sleep I breath with my mouth I had lots of problems when and this was one of them
and it does not happen only when am sleeping when am awake I will be making loud noises just to breath I got bullied for that so I passed thro this for 3 years and I went to the hospital with my family and it was a successful there are many things my father did for me like the day I was 7 years old.

And he still never gave up on me thank you daddy.
Now you are gone i feel it but it's way worst because there is one cure and that is you please come back.

© faith