

Dangerous Love - 7
After the long discussion they decided to meet at old palace at 8. They usually visit that place as no one comes there. Everyone was ready but in four of them one was ready to make everyone's night dark for forever. Everyone was getting ready to meet each other Kabir wore his blue jeans and grey tshirt, sam wore as usual his track and tshirt, myana wore long kurti with black jeans and Maithili wore cargo with red tshirt but with that she also wore evil smile on her face.
Maithili reciever msg from kabir to meet him early at old palace. She didn't question back him and carried pocket knife in her cargo.
Maithili reaches the place and call Kabir 's name. It was dark. She was in no mood for joke. Suddenly she hear a foot step.
She can't see properly. She follow the footsteps and climb the stairs case carrying posted pocket knife in her hand .
Maithili hear the voice of bike after few seconds she can see clearly someone has came. Again she hear the footsteps sound but this time she can see clearly who it was.
"I doubted It was you. I won't leave you. It's your last day" said Maithili to the dark figure. Attacking it with her pocket knife.
Suddenly Sam appear near stair case and shout "noooo... Maithili......


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