

The Abandon
We were sitting in wine and dine at our table when suddenly my eyes met him he was looking at me with the same old smile and lot of questions in his eyes
Little confused and little eager he managed to smile
I diverted my eyes i was seating across my companion who was holding my hand and looking at me when he suddenly asked baby are u alright?
And i could not say anything more then "yes i am fine."
When he again asked me "your face just got pale,all ok?"for which i had no answer as it was obvious for my emotions to be visible on my expressive face.i replied "do i look terrible ? I will just freshen up and be right back!"
And i forced myself to get up and walk till restroom wash my face calming my emotions which where all over the place..."god what am i doing to myself i can't let him effect me so much "
I put on a happy face smiled at myself in mirror and got out of restroom.
But i could not believe what my eyes were looking at...
The guy who abandon me, broke my heart , and blocked all the ways to connect... He was there just standing in front of me
With his hand folded around his chest looking perfect as all ways with his charming smile and piercing eyes drilling into my soul searching for something....
I asked" hi, how have you been"
He replied"the same ,when i am not with you"
His answer gave me shivers down my spine
What did he wanted to tell me....
Was he broken? As before we met? Then why? Why? Would he abandon me....?
All question where there in my mind but my tongue was not in sync with my brain.
All i was able to say was,
Have a good time, can i excuess you i have my dinner waiting...
And then he stopped me!
And my breath stoppes i knew what was coming...
He asked "who is the guy with you?..associate?"
And i could not reply my mouth went dry
I wanted to answer him tell him i have moved on he is my companion and he cant return to my life now or ever...
But instead i was just standing looking at him and concious.
And suddenly he came and said
"oh baby i was looking out for you..is everything all right? I was worried when u did not come as you never take so much time ...lets go dinner is waiting!"
I think he got his answers
And we went back to our table when his eyes started again drooling over us.
And sudden he kiss! We kissed !
Offcourse we always did there was nothing wrong we have done more intimate things then this and he veing my companion it was totally ok to kiss me! But i was concious and
Leaving my lips part he said "whats wrong you need to tell me "
And words just spill out of my mouth but i had no intention to it
I said" he is my x and we do not have closure yet! "
And he was shocked to hear them but he composed himself and me and said " it ok baby i dont mind him all i care is what you want?"
And i said "i need my closure!"
We all kept silence till one of us broken the ice
And i heard his voice again but this time it was more hurtfull...
" i knew you would move on and thats what i wanted. To see new version of you.but i cant see you with him.so i am happy you got someone to build your memories with but i am leaving...!"
And he left us...
This time he again abandon me with no closure and it was more hurt full then ever before ......