

You don't understand !!
This is the story of two characters. One is me and the other one is my girlfriend.
Me - This is me. I am complete nerd and spend most of my time alone trapped in a room, basically a nerd who rarely goes to see outside world specifically when I need to.
She - This is my girlfriend, she is smart, extrovert and I feel nothing bad in telling that she is way too better than me. I am still wandering why she chose me to be her boyfriend. May be she just wanted someone who will not disturb her much. And I am the best option for her.
Me - (texting her) Hey I miss you. Where are you ?
She - Baby I am busy at work.
He - But why do you work so hard ?
She - Because I want to be successful.
He - But what about me ?
She - I am doing this for us only sweetie !
Me - But it looks more like you are doing this for yourself only. There is you only and no a Me in this relationship.
She - You don't understand at all.
Me - Yes I understand that I am the one who don't understand but you have given me nothing to understand. How can I understand someone who is not present to be understood.
#love #betrayel #relationship #lovestory