

A moment! (chapter-1)
I was rushing to my college , as usual i was very late.
"Auto(taxi)" i shouted as there was heavy rain so after so much rush one auto stopped i sat addressing my college address.
Due to rain and traffic i missed my first class, and professor would not allow me to enter in the second too i knew this, so i sat in a coffee shop.
This day had very different essense since morning. There was thunduring and i was with my coffee ,luckily near window seat. Just looking at the sky, feeling sometimes it happens for good moments as i was feeling so good. Few minutes latter i heard one sound"excuse me have you seen any guitar here?" I felt that i was quite familiar with this sound so turned around ,within a second i flipped back realising how thrilled i was just like my whole world took an old turn.Within those few seconds i went with many thoughts.
That person asked tapping me to make me out of my thoughts asked the same"hey have you seen any guitar?"
"No i did not" I replied gathering my voice to bring it on confident track of mine.
"ohk thank you" I got the reply ,fastly i turned back with my thoughts.

© sakshi jha🌼🍁