

Adrinette 4
Adrienne:(climbs on to bed and yawns) Mummy can you please tell me a story
Mari: Aren't you too old to be listening to stories?
Adrienne:Oh please !
Mari:Maybe tomorrow (pecks her)
Adrienne:Ok fine.Good night mummy
Mari:(Goes out of the room and goes downstairs)
Adrien: So have you talked to Alya
Mari:She said ok
Adrien:That's great.
Mari:How was work?
Adrien:It was fine.I saw Chloe today
Adrien:you don't need to be jealous
Mari:Am not jealous
Adrien:She wanted to apply for a job but she didn't know I was the CEO
Mari:Well she should have known from the name Agreste and Co
Adrien:Don't worry she'll never steal me from you
Mari:(blushes)Wanna watch a movie?
Adrien :Why not?
(They go to the couch and they cuddle each other and watch a romantic movie)

(Adrien and Marinette where in their room already sleeping)
Adrien:(puts off alarm and gets ready for work , wakes Marinette)
Adrien:Good morning Sunshine
Marinette:Good morning My love.Youre off to work already?
Adrien:Yh,I have this meeting witha tech company
Mari:Alright.Do you need me to make breakfast?
Adrien:No,don't worry, sleep .
Mari:(gives him a goodluck kiss)
Adrien:(tucks her into bed and pecks her )

Marinette is already awake doing some home chores when.....
Adrienne:Good morning mum
Mari:Good morning baby.How was your night?
Adrienne: It was nice .I dreamt about unicorn and rainbows
Mari:Really? So what happened then?
Adrienne:I was riding the unicorn(giggles)and then daddy and you were on another unicorn
Mari:Alright honey.Lets go have our bath

Marinette wears a black top and a red jean while Adrienne wears a unicorn jumpsuit
Adrienne:You look beautiful mummy
Mari: You too
Adrienne:Where are we going?
Mari:well were gonna go to Aunt Alya's house and then we're gonna go do grocery shopping
Adrienne:Can you buy another barbie doll for me ?
Mari:What of your other dolls?
Adrienne:Riele needs a new best friend
Mari:(giggles)What of Casey?
Adrienne:I don't know where she went
Mari:ooohhhh so Casey can walk?
Mari:I've never seen her walk
Adrienne:Don't tell her I told you this but she said she doesn't like you
Adrienne:She says you and daddy don't buy her icecream
Mari:(laughs)Ok darling Ill buy you a new doll
Adrienne:Thank you mummy
Mari:Let's go to the car!

Mari:(knocks on door)
Alya:(opens the door)Hey Marinette and Adrienne
Adrienne:Hi Aunt Alya (hugs her)
(they go inside the house)
Max:(runs downstairs)Adrienne!
Adrienne:hey Max (they hug)
Mari:Awwww,they are so cute
Max:Let's go to my room .I have 2 dolls
Adrienne:Ok Max .Mummy am gonna go play with Max's dolls
Mari:ok sweetie.
Alya:so Adrienne is taking you on a date?
Mari:Its not a date,it's just a ...... vacation
Alya:(fakes cough)Alright if that's what you wanna call it
Mari:Cause that's what it is

Mari:Adrienne let's go
Adrienne:(runs to sitting room)I don't wanna go
Mari:Then I won't buy you any doll
Alya:Marinette,just let her stay
Mari:Alya I don't want her to trouble you
Alya:Let it be Marinette.Just let her stay
Mari:Alright I'll be back but if she does trouble you don't say I didn't warn you

******Back from the grocery store******
Alya:Adrienne slept off
Mari:Alright thanks for taking care of her
Alya:No worries .She is my best friends daughter
Mari:(goes to carry Adrienne)Baby am back
Adrienne:I missed you mummy (puts her hands around Marinette's neck and sleeps off )
Mari:Bye Alya

hey guys hoped you enjoyed this part.
Love you guys to and fro.Please if you guys have any ideas please comment them no idea is too small.Thank yall


© queenie