

Who Am I?
Most people think being the popular girl means that your rude,mean or obsessed with clothes but not me nope let me start this from the beginning. Hi im Mya, since I was 12 I dreamed of being a popular girl you know the girl in your school that knows everybody thats who I wanted to be! so I had to make something new about me so i did a makeover really didnt know how but YouTube is helpful then thats when I got involved with boys my first boyfriend was Paul Ravio he's so handsome and he was too cool he was cool even when people didn't even know what cool is. then I eventually learned that it hurts breaking up with a boy,started making new friends,got into this pretty girl gang they taught me alot and I also got my period I know shocking I suddenly needed a bra ahhhhhh I did my hair in a actual style. my mom also died went to her grave and told her everything I tried not to cry but I really miss her , then i found out my dad was talking to a girl named Miranda she's not even pretty well actually she's pretty but not better than my mom. I hit highschool i learned girls are really mean,James ask me to prom I went it was amazing I won!!! I got my first bestfriend we are the same it's crazy her name is Leyla yeah she's funny then i scored my first kiss with james and we hit are 8Months he took me to this fancy restaurant I really liked it,finished school my dad cried I was excited though.I moved into my first apartment with james I turned 30 James asked me to marry him I said yes duh,I had my first child named him Jamie its James and Mya mixed love it so now James my loveable son Jamie and I Mya will live happily ever after well until next time or i find out where my life takes me next.

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