

In another life
Their words danced in the quiet corners of the internet, where the world felt smaller, more intimate, as if the vast distance between them could be condensed into a single breath. She was married, bound by vows spoken long before they had crossed paths, vows that now felt like chains. He was single, yet tethered by his own history, dragging the weight of past loves that never quite fit, like shoes that blister but never break in. They found each other in a shared space of longing, neither searching, but both stumbling upon something that flickered in the dark.

Conversations began innocently, a flicker of curiosity growing into a flame that stretched late into the night. The screen between them blurred, became a thin veil that barely concealed their hidden desires. With each message, they stripped away the layers they’d kept hidden from the world. They talked about everything and nothing—shared dreams, childhood echoes, the ache of lost opportunities. Their connection grew, organic and unstoppable, like ivy creeping up a wall, entwining around the barriers they knew they should keep up but couldn’t.

But reality loomed just beyond the glow of their screens, a cold wind that rustled the fragile leaves of their connection. She loved her husband—or at least she thought she did. The life they had built was solid, like a well-worn path, stable but devoid of surprise. Yet something had withered inside her, a part of herself that had gone dormant over time. He was the sunlight that coaxed that part back to life, filled the empty spaces with words that made her feel seen, understood in ways she hadn’t been for years.

He felt it too—the weight of the impossibility, like a thick fog that hung between them. They would never meet in this lifetime, not with the way things stood. Her life was rooted, and his drifted somewhere else entirely. They existed in parallel worlds, only ever touching in those ethereal, fleeting moments they shared online.

Their love was a ghost, haunting the spaces between their words, an unspoken agreement to cherish what they had without asking for more. It was a love born out of time, destined to linger in the shadows. And yet, it was real, as real as the silence that followed each conversation, real enough to leave them both haunted.

They continued to talk, even as the reality of their situation hovered like a specter. There was a quiet understanding that someday, these conversations would end, like the slow extinguishing of a candle. But for now, they held on, letting their words stretch across the void, hoping they could stave off the inevitable just a little longer.

In another life, they might have found each other sooner, when the timing was right, when the world would have let them be together. But in this one, all they could do was love from afar, letting their words entwine like smoke, knowing it would never be enough.

© reddragonfly

~prompt: #forbiddenlove #longdistancerelationship