

Little Prayer
Write a short story using at least three from the five prompts

The car accelerated before the signal turned green.

Mavis was being reckless again, before i knew it we had crashed. There was glass everywhere, I looked over at her in the driver’s seat. She had no seatbelt on as usual, she had a huge cut on her forehead and scratches on her arms and legs. I quickly unbuckled myself and reached for my phone and called for help. I tried to call her but she was unconscious. I was getting uncomfortable because here we were in a car that was upside down and it was taking a while for help to arrive

“Miss are you okay, can you respond “ the EMT asked when he got closer to the car,

“Yes, but my sister is in bad shape , please get her out first. she’s unconscious “ I responded

“Okay miss, we’re going to cut through the car and get you both out. hold on, everything is going to be okay “

“Thank you” I responded

The EMTs and the firefighters, cut through the car and pulled Mavis from the wreckage first. I was so scared. Her face was fully swollen now. They grabbed me next and even though I was mostly fine, I had a broken arm, a few bruises and a few broken ribs. I called our parents on the way to the hospital and held onto Mavis’ hand throughout the ride. She was still unconscious but was breathing fine.

The doctor said that she must have hit her head and had had a major concussion, but she was going to be fine if she woke up in the next couple of hours. Our mom began to cry and our dad began to call everyone we knew to bear us up in prayers. The countdown began. We began to pray but Mavis wouldn’t wake up still.

When the time frame the doctor gave was up, he came around to tell us that Mavis was officially in a coma and that she might or might never, ever wake up.

I asked for a little time alone with her before they took her to the ICU. I held her hand, closed my eyes and said a little prayer to God to please bring back my sister. I then kissed Mavis on the cheek and asked her to fight and find her way back to me. As I was about to leave i suddenly felt her squeeze my fingers. I thought I had imagined it but she did it again. I pressed the help button next to her bed and the nurse came rushing in

“My sister just squeezed my hand “ I said

“Are you sure . “ the nurse asked

“Yes I am “

“I’ll go get the doctor “

She left and came back with my parents and the doctor. When they arrived she did more than just squeeze my hand, she opened her eyes and asked for a glass of water. I was so relieved. My sister was going to be okay. My father got on the phone and told everyone about the miracle that had just happened and I hugged my sister tightly, grateful that the little prayer I had said had worked
© story_time_with_naa