

Eye See U 👀
Apparently I look strange to the youth! There is nothing else it could be except for that and the result of lousy parenting. A huge population of parents around the world have neglected to teach their kids that it is not polite to stare or to give unwelcoming facial expressions to other people. What a major embarrassment that must be for all moms and dads!! I would feel incredibly embarrassed to be a grown woman or a grown man and allow my child to act like a creep and a weirdo in public. What that shows to society is that you are unintelligent and are incapable of raising a child!! You can not stare at a person because eventually they are going to notice that you are staring at them and when this happens; you should make them feel comfortable by responding with a smile or a quick friendly wave. Any kind of "warm hearted" gesture to lighten the mood would be nice.... Otherwise it is best that you look in a different direction as soon as they start "catching on" to your obnoxious staring! That also is a great idea and a second alternative in case you are shy or nervous and are not eager to wave or smile, but choosing to continue sitting there with a blank emotionless look on your face or standing there like a deer in headlights is both rude and unacceptable!! If you insist on gazing at someone for more than a few seconds; at least have the decency to be respectful!!! A minor needs to be taught how to act accordingly and needs to be taught good manners; from the age of five to the age of a teenager. I have no children and can never have any. The folks in my family made damn sure of that but if I had a daughter or a son and if they were eyeballing another human being like a fucking lunatic; I would immediately demand that they apologize to the person they were gawking and I would scold him or her!!!
It's not so much the staring that bugs me out. What raises a suspicion and what checks off as a red flag is that I hardly ever see random people's kids looking at anyone else the way that they look at me and it leads me to believe that I am the only one being "singled out". I wouldn't be so skeptical; if I had seen them doing it to everyone around including myself as well. I can't shop at a store, I can't go to the bank, I can't eat food inside of a restaurant, or do anything at all without somebody's child staring at me awkwardly. Everyone tells me that this is not something to worry about! They say it's harmless and they say that staring is a child's way of trying to understand the world around them because they do not know any better and are curious of their surroundings but I think there is something more sinister going on. The real reason why their kids are staring is because when you have a curse on you like I do; it causes darkness to hover over you!! It's almost like a black cloud of smoke or a gloomy haze that is glued and attached to you everywhere you move. The color of this form of darkness is much blacker than the color black that we usually see on earth. It's a unique shade of black that no one has ever glanced upon. It covers your complete body from head to toe and within this dark foggy cloud; there are other things that can be visually detected. Things that are not meant to be shown to the eyes of us living human beings and is repulsive, terrifying, hellish, diabolical, nauseating, shocking, and has a mind controlling effect on anyone who sees. It can make people cry, scream, gaze, tremble, run away, or come to attention and it can make them hit you, push you, throw things at you, and try to harm you with weapons or say things to you that are cruel whenever they look at you. Their actions toward you is beyond their control and what this means is that they do not realize what they are doing or saying because their brain is under a demonic possession that does not stop until you leave. Once you are not in their presence; that is when they return to their normal selves but while you are there; they are possessed and hypnotized!! Babies, children, teenagers, and adults are not actually staring at me! As a matter of fact, they don't see me at all. They are locking eyes with the darkness that is latching itself to me and their behavior is based on what the darkness forces them to do! Maybe I could be wrong and maybe this is probably not the issue or the case!! If it has nothing to do with the darkness of evil that surrounds me; my only other guess is that it could be because they might know me and they might have been related to me at one point in the far past. When you want something so bad and when you finally get the chance to see the thing you are desperately craving for in person or up close; you can't help but to stare and drool over it because it is mesmerizing to you. The strangers that are giving me weird "drawn out" stares are my family members from the time periods that were before my time and their reason for not being able to take their eyes off of me is because they expect something from me and they are dying to accomplish it even though they never will since I've gotten smarter and I am not sleeping anymore!! I woke up and I learned some things that I didn't used to know. My vagina, my uterus, my labia, my clitoris, my lifeline, and my nipples are strictly off limits to my blood related ancestors, to my relatives that are still living and are bonded with the nonliving by performing ritualistic acts that involves communicating or calling upon those that are no longer alive, and nonetheless it is off limits to the devil and to the unborn souls of my devilish unconceived illuminati antichrist babies that are waiting and wishing to be implanted inside of me by a male incubus. What's mine belongs to me and you can't have it! Neither is it up to you to decide my death or my destiny!! That is god's call. Not yours!! Now do me a favor and stop looking at me so hard!! The deceased isn't at rest and has been coming back from the dead to reincarnate themselves into a new physical body so they can live again and can do to me what they have done to all of the rest of the special chosen angels like me in every past generation. Sex and pregnancy helps them with the process of reincarnation and so does astral projection!! They travel through portals AKA spirit realms and they appear into the existence out of nowhere or they either have to enter the womb of a woman. It's always one way or the other!!!! I was unknowingly selected to be the devil's little surrogate hoe and his little test monkey in the 21st century but there were other nominees before me. Whenever a cousin, uncle, grandparent, sibling, aunt, mother, father, fiance/fiancee, and child in the family tree or when the devil himself and one of his demons pick a certain time that they want to live in the world as a human and do their evil earthly deeds; they will try to use my body and whenever they need to "carry out" an experiment; they will pick me to test it on. I am also used as their punching bag!! My reptilian family and Lucifer feels that I owe them; just because god chose for me to be born into their occult and the crappie tradition they were hosting when clearly it's not my fault since I didn't ask or want to be a part of this mess and I didn't even know any of this was taking place at first but sadly I gotta pay the price for god's decision. How unfair is that?? #eyeballing #looking #stare #staring #gaze #gazing #gawk #gawking #see #seeing
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