

In love with the demon
Dragon birth mark

Episode 1

All the council were all sitting down in a round table. Their witch called for an emergency meeting. They have all settle down as the witch came.
Who are the council?
The council were the pure blooded vampire. They were seven leaders. They were a vampire but was separated because of their evil deed. Dahl was the leader and elder of the council. He was a very greed man. He wanted to be ruling the vampire world without being chosen. The vampire king can only be a chosen one by the sisters of light. But because of this, he was sent out of the world vampire and he dwelled at the forest. Though, vampire world was located at the forest because they can't be near human. Their thirsty for blood can't allow them. Dahl later gather up all the greed elders like him and they formed their own palace which was full of witch, wizard and sorcerers.
The elders all stand up when Dahl walked him. They bowed to him and he sat down on his high chair.
"I called you all here today because another prophesy has been written" the witch began to say. "It's subtle. Really hard to grasp" the witch said
"What's is it all about?" Dahl asked impatient.
The witch sighed. "A new awaken of a vampire's king" the witch said
They were all confused. "A new awaken?" elder 1 said
"Yes. A child will be born as a vampire's queen" the witch said
"Vampire's queen?" Dahl asked confused
The witch nodded. "Yes. A vampire queen
"But vampire like Richard doesn't meant to have mate" elder 2 said
"Yes but it was given to him by the sisters of light. They wanted him to have one"
"So, is that all?" Dahl asked
"No. The child will serves as more power to vampire's king. And with their power, they will rule the kingdom together. The child can only be recognize by a dragon birth tattoo. And if they mate together, they will become unconquerable" the witch explained
Their eyes all widened. "Then, we have to do something" elder 3 said
"Except we stopped the prophesy, nothing can be done to stop them" the witch said
Dahl stood up. "Then let it *all know through the human worlds, that anybody who bring me the child with* a dragon tattoo will be rewarded beyond imagine" Dahl said and walked away.
Vampire Castle
Richard walked to into one big room containing a lot of potion with different kind of magic. He took a sit and sit down then one man not that old, Vampire doesn't age, named Zeddicus came out of the inner room.
"Zedd, you called me" Richard said
"Yes. The sisters light has given you a mate" Zedd said
"Mate?" Richard asked surprised
"Yes, mate"
"But how is that possible?"
"They were the one who can answer that question. The child will be recognize by a dragon birth mark" zedd told him
"Okay. Do something about it then" Richard said walking out.
Who is Richard?
Richard was a powerful being. He was created with magic, never being born. He was awaken by the sisters of light. He was three in one. Demon, Lycan( werewolf) and a vampire. He was stronger than the three. He has no feelings because there was a demon in him. Not every vampire can have mate, that's why they were all surprised. He was a strong and the council feared him to the core.
Zeddicus was a wizard. He was appointed to be protecting Richard and be his guardian. He knows a lot of magic coz his father was the head and a powerful magician.
Zedd walked out with Richard and they both walked to the backyard where their arm were training.
They all stand still as they saw Richard. "Armies, we have to find a girl with a dragon birth mark. And I want the job to be neat. The council must not be ahead of us, note that. Is that clear?" Richard shouted
"Yes, sir" they all chorus.
Richard walked inside while Zedd stood still.
"Armies, the girl can only be found in human world. And you have to let your sense of scent be at alert, okay?"
"Okay" they echo and continue with their training.
Richard walked into his room and saw Elka sitting on the bed.
"What are you doing here?" Richard asked
"I heard that you have be given a mate" Elka said
"Yes. So what?"
"What about me?" Elka asked sadly
"What is my business with you?" Richard asked removing his cloth
Elka stood up and move closer to him. "Richard, you know I love you, that's why I have been having sex with you. Can't you just consider me?"
"Wait, I don't have feelings, you know that. Not like you, guys. So, stop preaching to me and get out" Richard said trying to control himself.
"I know you don't have feelings because of your demon but I can endure. Just don't leave me" Elka pleaded with a teary eyes.
"You're just wasting your time. It's not my doing. If you have any objection, go and meet the sisters of light" Richard said and walked out.