

Life Of A Simple Boy Chapter 2
Vikas was only one child so he was pampered very much but due financial crisis Vikas was very sad to feed his family. Next day morning he was going to the shop where he was working, in the afternoon he got news that his father passed away and because of this news he was very sad , and he felt sorry for his dad because he didn't do anything for him and because of that he was feeling very bad. After 2 months when Vikas father's friend Manish meet him and he told him that this is not the age to work but this is the age to study and then Manish talked to vikas's mother sushma who was an housewife Manish was very much tensed for vikas's future and he wanted to secure it but sushma told no because he was only one child in her house so she didn't want to lose him.

On the other hand Vikas was trying to get a new job and Manish told him that he will help him to get anew job. But one day suddenly vikas's uncle came to sushma and he told sushma that he will take both of them to his house and they will stay there. After 10 minutes Vikas came back home he saw uncle sitting there he asked his uncle about what happened he told Vikas that he has came here to take him and his mother with him Vikas was very happy and he realise that now his future will be safe.

Next Episode Coming Soon.......
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