

Is it true love or truly evil? (part 1)
The mansion loomed over them as they approached it. Her heart sank with a foreboding that ran like rivers through her entire body. Suddenly she wasn't sulre if it was such a great idea to be part of this investigation... After all it had been well over a decade since the incident on Nov. 8th 2002 involving her best friend and potential love interest. His subsiquent disappearance had made her go into a deep depression after grieving her friend. A depression that she narrowly escaped albeit not unscathed. She missed him so much but after a year with not so much as a shred of clothing or a foot print in the soil where he had told her he was going that agonizingly anxious day he was assumed dead and she had to move on with her life though it seemed to lack the same luster and vibrance it had before and it showed in her as well. She had all but forgot that day but she never moved on with her life. Never left his memory. Never truly moved on. She was in love with him then and still now. Only now there was definitely a noticable glow about her and she once again had hope almost twenty years after he had vanished. In the very woods she had just trudged through painstakingly, but she cared not. She was on a mission.
Perhaps some context is in order so you can make better sense of this dear reader. First things first though. Introductions. You may call me any of many things. The Sleepless, the story teller, one of my favorites is The Keepee. Ooh! Always so dramatic, or you can call me by my name Tullas. I will be your host for this story at least in part, but think of me as a narrator of sorts.
Anyway, where were we.....?
Ah yes dear friends, CONTEXT.!
So as it were our dear heroine Kayla was now standing before a hulking derelict mansion as it towered above her dark and brooding five stories tall and she was having second thoughts about her descision to investigate. Packing up her small coupe driving two days and coming to the very forest the made her love vanish into thin air without a peep for seventeen years. How did she come to be here? Why? I know you are probably asking yourself these very things as we, uh well, I speak. You see im beyond intuitive with these things my friends. Call it a sixth sense if you will.
Anyhow ill trll you precicely how and why. Six months ago as Kayla was sitting eating breakfast totally bemused and dreading another day at the office where her boss would without a doubt make inappropriate advances towards her. "He could at the very least pay me well for me putting up with that shit." she thought to herself. As the thought floated aimlessly from her thoughts and another was lazily making its way to the forefront of her mind they were abruptly interupted by a loud squeaking sound long and very drawn out as well as a flicker of motion from the corner of her eye in the direction of her front door. She slowly turned to face her door as the shrill squeak stopped in an instant and echoing off the bare walls of her small house and away up to the walls on the second story as if bidding farewell with a hint of, "Ill be seeng you later." rather creepiness to it. As she tried focusing on what had mad the sinisterly high pitched and m8nd numbing comotion. SLAM! A large black leather bound book was forceably shoved through the mail slot barely fitting and making contact with the hardwood floor with a reverberating thud. "What the..." her breath caught in her throat mid sentence as she noticed the mail slot hadnt closed and she was staring into a set of the most brilliant hazel eyes. Deep green grey with firey flecks of orange and a hint of deep purple around the pupil. She knew those eyes not being able to place it immediately. then it struck her like a baseball bat to the skull. "COLE!" she shouted out in excitement as she jumped up and ran for the door tears welling up in her eyes. Those eyes remained fixed on her the whole time she was making the sprint to the front door unwaivering in their absolute sadness. She swung the door open wide with a loud bang as it swung violently into the wall in her utter excitent. "Cole!" She exckaimed again as she swung the door open. Her excitement turned to dissappointment and then sadness as she had found the steps before her house and the sidewalk and street that were visible to her in both directions completely and utterly empty. Which as she began to weep openly cupping her face in her hands, realised that it was so odd that nobody was out there as it was usually bustling in the quaint city neighborhood. Neighbors off to work, kids off to school etc. She didnt care though. It was Cole and she knew it he was right there. Why hadnt he been there when she opened the door their eyes never left each others until she had flung the door open. "Am i finally losing my shit?" she said aloud and as she was actually entertaining the thought while catching her breath and pulling herself back up to her feet and wiping her tear stained face on her sleeves a thought struck through her brain like a bolt of lightning. "The Book!" She was almost too afraid to look as if she would be confirming her fears of insanity if it wasnt there. She turned around to look and her heart sank. It wasnt there. As she resigned to call her therapist and make an emergency appointment, and re-entered her home closing the door and locking it. She had decided to call in and take the day off it was all too much and now she had to worry that her mind was on its way out too. "Probably going off to have a romance with him without me."she joked to herself. She turned towards the stairs after the lock on her door clicked and so did the book as it fell over off the wall and flat on the floor. She surely had smashed it against the wall when she had ripped the door open in such haste. Suddenly unsettled a new thought as she now knew that she at least wasnt completely whacko. "What the actual Fuck just happened then." she thought as a shiver started at the center of the top of her head and rippled through her body. She hesitantly and carefully picked up the heavy black hard back and turned it over to inspect it. On the front in enblazended golf filagree lettering were the words, The Journal of C.A. Washburn. Cole Allen Washburn was clearly back from the abyss and back into Kayla's life. Why so secretive and cryptic though? Kayla Livingston was going to find out and she wouldnt rest until she was in Coles arms again and forever. She was never letting him go again once she had found him. To be continued...
© S.A.R.J