

He picked up. 'Where are you all the time? I've been looking for you, Why don't you respond to my calls? What happens', I said. It's been 7th months we are together in this relation. The first day I met him, I had to listen to our subject teacher, the first day him. After some weeks, we became very good friends. We talk late at night, solve each other's dilemma, gossip about each thing. For a few months, we aren't in touch with each other. Because our final exam was near.Even after the exam finished he wasn't in touch with me. I texted him, but I never found any response. Months pass, the result was out. It has been a long time that he hasn't even given a reply. I was too worried. 'Let's talk to him, a phone call would be great.', I thought. Somebody picked up the call. After a while, A girl spoke, she's her sister. She starts crying when I looked for him. I was so surprised by that. I forcibly asked her what happen. She said, 'He is no more, he died in an accident a long time coming home after the last day exam. He died in the zone. The only thing was left his phone........'