

THE vibrant youths keep complaining on social media while strange things keep happening.
The government keeps on failing and failing and the people keep on voting and wailing- voting for the change that is yet to come.
You want the change you're not consistent for??You want peace but aren't ready to wage war or move to greener pastures but won't open the door.
We keep celebrating independence when in reality we're in bondage or how do we explain the killing of ourselves-the people who are supposed to protect us keep terrorizing us and the goverunment is doing nothing other than make false acclaims.
Our nation is filled with fraudulent activities caused by the government coz SHE has no quality job to offer- a person might spend millions of naira for schooling only to graduate and remain jobless or what about the lucky ones who got the job immediately after their service only to earn twenty thousand naira per month due to the poor economy yet our government is comparing us to other countries 😞what a joke; whereas he has this friend that's into Yahoo earning cool cash just by being indoors, would he rather work for a whole month only to earn twenty thousand naira or would he rather venture into Yahoo???? or let's talk about a father who struggles to provide for his family by becoming a labourer earning the sum of one thousand five hundred naira daily, after collecting the money he paid the food vendor eight hundred naira and took a bike of two hundred naira back home;on getting home his wife asked him for money,what does he has to offer???a measly five hundred naira note,he worked didn't he🤔but isn't earning enough yet the government has the audacity to call us lazy'.
Our passport speaks it all-take that useless green passport anywhere in the continent and the first thing that comes to their mind is -'ohh the fraudsters are here' then they begin to question us all for nothing!
The worst is the mentality we're breeding,I remember when I was at school,our hostel got bursted by the so called sarz coz they heard a rumour that G boys live there and an innocent guy was arrested.why? because he owns a generator-does that mean that only Yahoo boys could afford generators??
We youths can't dress freely because we're afraid of being arrested by the so called sarz who think that anybody that dresses well,lives fine and own a car is into Yahoo 🙄does that mean that there's no job that pays well other than fraud???
Actually there's but the harsh reality is that these jobs are usually retained for the children of the higher class men and who are these higher class men??They are our president governor's senators and so on and what does it cause? It causes hierarchy and ranks because these upper class men will always make sure that the position they leave are reserved for their children.
Like a vulcanizer that pumps a dead tire,these children of the rich men will think they're something because of their wealth and they in turn use it to moelst,kidnap and rape because they know that if anything should happen thay can pay the police off or call their parents,with just a single phone call they're free but the harsh reality is that these children are actually inferior wines poured into costly glasses.
We're called the Giant of Africa when we're nothing.
Our great nation has fallen
The tide is sailed and that ship has sank.
We've lost the battle and lost our power.
It's late coz the sweet national cake has gone sour.


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