

Tainted (a Fanfiction Story based on Game of Thrones Series) 15
Chapter 15: Wrath and Bewilderment

What were you doing out there, girl-slave?How foolish of you to ran away from me then come back afterwards?
Jon was looking intently at the girl-slave who still laid in bed, unconscious.
Bruises and light shallow cuts were visible in her fair skin and clothes were torn.

The anger and remorse he felt for her were still there, when he had recalled she was gone out of his sight where he had left her. Right there, he commanded Sam and few of his men in search for the girl-slave, but they came back without her after hours of searching. Luckily enough, his predicament with the Kingslayer and the red cloak armies were done before the sun sets in. He hastily led his men to continue the search for the girl-slave outside Casterly Rock. He could not fathom, she had eloped that swiftly from him.

She may have not gone too far, knowing, that dimwit was not familiar of Westerlands.
He angrily muttered to himself.
It was already dark when they continued the search. He furiously sworn to himself if they would ever find her, she would surely pay for it. A great punishment for her treason, perhaps.
He was suddenly alarmed when a petite, pale figure had suddenly emerged from the trees near the mouth of the deep woods and ran towards his direction. Since he was hidden by the trees that surrounded the Castle, she visibly did not see him. So, he quickly grab her.
The girl screamed in great fear and panic in his arms, struggled to get free from him.
"Stop moving, you wench."
Jon angrily growled at her.
She froze and looked at him. And she had fainted in his arms.
The stars shined and the moon was bright from where he stood,he could see traces of fear and panic in the unconscious girl-slave's face. But the beauty of it was still there.
Jon shook his head in disgust.
Am I foolishly enticed with this dimwit? Oh,may the Old Gods forbid!
He must never see her as different among the enemies of the North. She was a schemer! A traitor!

"Hmm.. M-Maggy, please come with me! Please!"
She suddenly screamed in her sleep.
Jon regained his present thoughts when she had opened her honey-coloured eyes and looked at him in fright.
"M-my Lord.." tears welled up from her eyes as she looked at him. Terror and fear were reflected on it.

You had your chance to flee, but why did you came back? Aside from my own rage, what else were you feared of, girl-slave? And who is Maggy?

His thoughts were suddenly bewildered as he looked at her vulnerable state.
"P-Please forgive me, my Lord, if I went away without your permission. I did not ran away from you. I.. I went with the old lady whom I had met at the Castle's kitchen and she took me to the deep woods. S-she told me something very important about who I really was. But we were interrupted when the raiders came and tried to get inside her cottage. We escaped away but they chased us and shot an arrow at Maggy.. and-" her voice quivered because of fear and she felt horrible pain in her chest.

She was dead because of me! It was all my fault!
She blamed herself for the dreadful fate of Maggy.

"That was a lie. How could I believe you when all you ever did was to elude me of your treacherous schemes? So, if I were you, you should never dare do it again, girl-slave." he coldly fired at her.
His eyes were icy cold which made her froze immediately.

Struck by her words she fell silent.

But I was not a traitor's daughter, Jon. I am not a true Bolton. You could finally get rid of your hate towards me.

She longed to scream it to his face but it would be a waste since he would never ever believe her. What she need is proof.

A proof that would justify her claim and made Jon Snow believe her.

She glanced at the man who stood near her bed. The Gods had been so generous to this man, bestowing him with such tremendous enviable feature. He had such prominent handsome face with a pair of dramatically-beautiful dark grey eyes,shielded by thick long lashes. His straight, perfect shaped nose that was a trademark of Starks. His lips had a natural shade that would make every pretty girl jealous, along with a firm jaw that balanced his glorious features. He was truly a sight.
A very mind blowing one.
He possessed an inherent power and dominance that radiated all over him.
Her heart skipped when he met his gaze. But still, it was cold and freezing like the breath of the Northern wind. It was his normal gaze for her since she was revealed as the traitor's daughter.
But she had always seen the warmth, kindness and tenderness in those eyes when he would looked at his half siblings or even at his people in Winterfell Castle. But not to her.

His gaze lingered on her for seconds,beheld her without the least sparks of amusement. And he looked away. Yet, Racy's heart beats wildly.
She knew, he was suppressing his furiousity  and anger towards her.

When Jon threw his gaze at her, the surged of suppressed anger evoked within him. How the woman of her sort, fathered by a murderer and a traitor, the worst kind of woman, was generously endowed with such delicate beauty and innocent charm. A beauty that could allure people to believe in her every schemes.
She was truly the excellent definition of the unfairness of life. And he despised her.

"Jon." Sam had suddenly appeared at the opened door, worry was written on his face.
Two of his trusted Northsmen were with him.

"What of it, Sam?" he asked.
He sensed something was not right.

"Two savage raiders were caught near the mouth of the deep woods. They were already taken to the dungeon by the Lannister armies and.. A dead body of an old woman was found, said, she was the known herb lore healer of this land." Sam threw a doubtful stare at the girl-slave before he continued.
"And she was seen with your girl-slave by one of the red-cloak guard. "

When Jon heard of it, he dangerously looked at the girl-slave.

"I did not kill her, my Lord. We were chased by those savages and she fell, arrow was struck on her back, she wanted me to end her misery so she took my hand while I held a dagger and struck it to her heart. But I tried to save her.."
She tried to defend herself.
Jon and Sam were sharply eyeing on her.
"I swear by the Old Gods and the new. I never killed Maggy,I knew you were accusing me of it."
Jon let out a sigh.
"You put yourself in a big trouble, girl-slave. I did not brought you here to implicate trouble." he growled at her.
"Please, believe me, my Lord." panic rushed through her when the two Northsmen walked in.
"Get her." he ordered them.
"N-no! You can't do this to me again my Lord..I am innocent." she cried in fear when the two Northsmen pulled her from the bed.
She had remembered of what they did to her in Winterfell and the familiar pain and horror rushed through her.
She could not take anymore beatings and cruel punishments from Jon's Northsmen,particularly now, that she had already knew of her true birth.
It was so unjust to accept any punishments from Jon Snow or any of the Nobles from North since she was not really Ross Bolton's daughter.
She had suffered a lot from Jon's wrong accusations of her, being the traitor's daughter. And it must end.
"Free me at once!" she angrily screamed to him. "It was not right of you to accuse me of the things I did not do!"
Her pale face were flooded with tears.
Jon walked back to where she was, paced were in haste. He pulled her toward him so hard their body crushed.
She yelped when he suddenly gripped her neck, almost choking her.
"And you gone fiesty now, dimwit, got enough courage to answer me back! Perhaps, you had forgotten, I am your Lord, and you are just a mere disgusting girl-slave for me. " he said sardonically.
His eyes were burning with controlled anger.
Racy had seen how mad he was, she swallowed nervously.
Her mouth gaped open, closed.. and open again before she was finally able to utter a word.

"Don't hurt me, my Lord. I was not worthy to take any of your punishments. I did not killed Maggy ." she quivered.
He stopped and released her from his grip.

"What's more than telling me lies and act like you were really innocent in your schemes and crime, Racy Bolton?" he sharply growled at her.
He furiously paced back to where was Sam waiting for him, leaving her with his men.

"I am not Ross Bolton's daughter. And I don't belong in the North. So, stop doing these to me." she bravely told him. She had withdrawn every strength and courage within her to confessed those words to Jon.
And she hoped he would believe her...
Jon halted and turned his back, he threw a sharp look at her..

© melai2020