

More Than Bestfriends (The Idea Of The Story, Not The Story.)
Idea About The Story : Lucy And Gray were bestfriends, they gew up together ever since they met in kindergarten during play time, They both were popular in Highschool for being School's best couple even though they weren't dating, Lucy had a huge..well not that huge..well more like a type of a small crush on Gray, He was like her ideal type, Muscles, Six Packs, Handsome, Sweet and Kind, Smart, Popular, Cute, supportive and well..a little too much of a flirt too?
But that didn't matter. it never could stop Lucy from growing her feelings more and more towards her Guy bestfriend, more likely her only bestfriend. Gray on the other side, was too flirtious with female colleagues, and modtly Lucy, he gave many hints to tell her that he liked her but well..lucy is a little dumb, Lucy was smart, Cute and Pretty, Kind, Supportive, an adviser for ANYTHING like literally ANYTHING, But the only problem was that Gray had a girlfriend.. well he didn't like her but he loved her as his big sister, but the girl insisted onto dating him.
© kim_aera