

Reincarnation (Chapter 1)
"Haha! I finally bought you, muah[1]!" A girl exclaimed excitedly kissing the book. Before making her way back home by crossing the traffic lights.

[1]: Kissing noise


"Move out of the way!"  Someone roared out to her and with the girl's unexpectedly quick reflexes she jumped away to the pavement and into safety, standing on her own two feet, crouched down like a sumo wrestler.

"HAHA! You won't get me this time truck san!" She mocked, before walking back towards her home as it was getting darker by every moment.

"Well well, look who it is? A cute girl walking in the streets alone." A gruff voice spoke out as he walked out from the dark with his acquaintance behind him like a gang.

"Are ya'll from a gang?" She asked like a curious child, keeping up an innocent facade.

"Of course we are. We are from the Black skull gang." He proudly announced as she sweatdropped mentally.

Her thoughts: Are you suppose to expose your gang name out openly, especially to a child who could tattle on you to the police anytime?

"And now we'll kidnap you since you saw us." He announced with a smirk pointing at me, "Hey! That's not fair you were the one who initiated the talk so I'll kidnap you!" She exclaim back with a light tantrum.

"Hah! You kidnap us? Dream on kiddo, so the easy way or the hard one?" He mocked before asking her with a lust-filled smile making the girl shudder in disgust.

She than shut her eyes tight thinking about what she should do in this current situation but the gang took it as a sign that she was afraid of them.

"Aww~ Is the little girl scared? Don't worry come to big brother." He mocked, smiling triumphantly at her expression.

She then opened her eyes into a narrowed expression towards them and shot a glare at them filled with malice and blood lust, they flinched and gulped, sweating uncontrollably infront of her as the 'leader' (The guy talking to her)  stutter. "H-how can you do this method?"

"Before kidnapping me, I must have you know that… We'll have to do this the hard way." She smirked, cracking her knuckles as she slowly walked towards them.

"D-don't mess with me kiddo! You're just a weak girlie! Go and get her boys!" He roared out angrily as his face went red, "Alright, I can't wait to do this." She murmured licking her cherry pink lips sadistically.

[Her Pov…]

His lackeys dashed towards me trying to tackle me down with their arms out, thinking I wouldn't be able to dodge them.

Which I dodged every single one of them, resulting in them to loose their momentum and fall on top of each other like a pile of corpses their limbs tangling with one another.

The leader still in front of me as he grumbled "Those idiots! Can't even take care of a girl." Before he took out a pocket knife. "Ooh fancy~" I replied with an intrigued expression.

He dashed towards me slashing the knife down at me, watching his movements I dodged all his attacks swiftly and effectively. Making him stumble at times by kicking his calf.

"You bitch!" He roared out angrily, slashing at the knife down at me randomly.

I got enough with his stupid pathetic attacks and decided to end it by punching him at his face when he striked down at me.

He flew back and fell onto the floor with a loud thump, I walked closer to his body and squat down peering at his face.

"Ooh~ Sorry I cracked your nose, and I don't think you can open your right eye for awhile." I say inspecting his face.

"What did you do to our leader!" I hear his members roar out angrily from behind me after I heard him groan in pain and opened his left eye gingerly.

Staring at me with shock and hatred, before I saw a glint of something flash pass his eye.

I stood up and without looking back took out my knife and held it to someone's throat behind me, the person in retaliation jumped away from me the moment I held the knife out at him.

I turned around slowly to see someone wearing a black suit behind me, he seems to be in his late 50's as he smiled at me forcibly, "May I ask what you are doing to my lackeys?" He asked.

"He tried kidnapping me so I said I'll kidnap him instead. He than wanted a fight so I gave him a fight." I say coolly, smiling at him.

"You seem to be very good at fighting young girl, would you like to join my organisation?" He asked as his eyes glazed in hunger for power.

"Sorry but what will I benefit from joining your organisation?" I asked like an ignorant child as the old man eye's lit up. "What would you like?" He asked the girl.

"I would like to not get mistreated or get bullied by anyone in your gang, and I want receive 10 million every month." I say with a smirk as his smile cracked and stiffened uncontrollably.

"10 million? Kid are you sure you said that correctly?" He asked with a forced smile plastered on his face.

"Yep, people say I'm worth more than 10 million dollars ya'know, so it is a very good deal already." I say with a light smile.

"You must be joking!" He screamed as he anger blew up, "Boys capture her and bring her to our base." The uncle announced as his bodyguards came towards me menacingly.

They knew that I could fight unlike the others who were previously tangled on the floor as they began throwing punches, I used my hands to block some and punched back at their abdomens. Sometimes punching their faces if I got annoyed with their attacks.

All of his bodyguards got knocked out by me as they lay on the floor, suddenly multiple limos pull up and bodyguards came out. We all ceased our actions and watched who it was as an old man came out from the limo.

"*Gasp* Red Rose gang!?" He gasped, shocked by their appearance. I stiffened when he mentioned 'red rose' as I nimbly tried to escape without anyone noticing.

"Big boss! What are you doing here?" He exclaims excitedly as he greeted him.

His eyes glimmering with greed, "What is with this commotion." The old man say glancing at the beat up man on the floor. "Nothing much sir, just one of my comrades testing their strength." He lied to the old man and for once I felt gratitude towards him.

I might even consider taking up his offer… But only for a while.

"Really? Your comrade seems strong, you don't mind if they fought against my people right?" He asked smiling at him, "U-uh y-yeah." He stuttered out before he turned around and beckoned for me to come.

I walked towards him in a straight line so the old man couldn't see me still, he bent down towards me height and whispered into my ears.

"Just fight, unless you want us both to die together." "Um… No. You can die for all I care, I'm leaving." I say, as I began sweating from the stares, walking backwards before trying to dash off.

But he held my on my shoulder with a tight grip, and pushed me towards the old man. "This girl… Is my comrade and she's more than happy to fight with your people." He says with a smile.

And I quickly placed on a scared and innocent facade. "H-he tried kidnapping me." I whimpered with teary eyes as he stiffened when he saw me.

"Erica?" He questioned, "N-no…?" I stuttered back and struggled to get out of the other person's grip.

"Let go of my granddaughter right now you punk!" He exclaimed loudly as he flinched and took off his hands like electricity was passing through him. "G-granddaughter??" He asked confusedly but shocked at the same time.

I walked towards my grandfather and turned around to face him, "Yup, I'm his granddaughter tee~ hee~" I giggled doing a silly me gesture. "Grandpa, he wanted to buy me for 10 million dollars." I whined.

"You what!" He roared as his face went red, "Guards, make the Black Skull gang cease to exist."

"W-what! Please don't boss! I'm begging you! We didn't know she was your granddaughter if not we wouldn't have messed with her." "Annihilate them." Grandpa replied to him coldly.

He then turned to look at me, "And you… We will talk back at home." He said as I gulped.

[At home…]

"You! Are you stupid!? What if you died?!" Grandpa yelled at me, "B-but… I'm strong." I say flexing my nonexistent muscle.

His sharp look softened before he patted my head and ruffled my hair, "You stupid girl, grandpa is just worried for you." He says endearingly which made me look down.

"Well it's okay gramps! I was planing on killing them anyways." I say positively with a wide smile.

"*Sigh* You can't kill until you're at least 18 years old understood? Well… Unless it is super necessary." Gramps say after thinking.

"Sorry grandpa… I just wanted to buy this limited edition book." I say looking down with red eyes, "It's fine, the matter is already resolved so go to your room." Grandpa said as I nodded climbing up the stairs leading to my room.

Breathing a sigh of relief in my sound proof room I took a deep breathe in as I took out the book I bought that was stashed safely when I fought the gang members.

"KYAAAAAAAAAAAA! THEY'RE SOOOOO ADORABLEEEE TOGETHERRRRRRRRRR EEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK-" I fangirled uncontrollably once I flipped open the first page to see my most favourite OTP fanart of them kissing.

Suddenly my vision slowly went black as I collapsed onto the floor...

• • •


~Hello host... I am system 103~

~… Answering to your question host... Yes you did, you even died from fangirling.~

~Apparently your body lacked of oxygen and therefore you died.~

~I will be bringing you to different worlds to have fun~

[OOC: Out Of Character]

~Yes, because this system is the greatest out of them all~

~Yea- Wait what? (⊙_⊙')~

~…… I'll pretend I didn't hear that. For my safety at least~

~You can but after at least you have been to 3 worlds and completed the task given.~

~Yes host, at least you can act OOC.~

~*Sigh* Than give me my starter pack. I demanded.~

Beginner skills:

-Arts of seduction






-Fighting/Martial arts


-Quick reflex

-Mental endurance

-Physical endurance

"Hmm… I wonder which one I should pick?"  I murmured to myself.

~Host I suggest the fighting one.~

I shrugged the systems comment off.

~Um than try hacking.~  He exclaims with an embarrassed tone.


~Arts of seduction?~

<… Well I plan on picking the last two which is mental and physical endurance and I guess I'll add that in too…>

~Why don't you pick quick reflex than? If you're that reluctant to pick that skill.~

~Host… Stop flexing on us plebeians~


(。ì _ í。)>

~Um… Okay? So what do I need to do now?~

The system exclaimed as I was suddenly pushed into a bright room, looking around it to find different types of equipment.

~I guess it's time to start training?~
[Hi this is the author speaking… Just curious, would you like to see a continuation of this story based off of this?] © Naruko