

loneliness in the romantic field
Days that seemed to go on forever, and times when you couldn't find someone to talk to. Once upon a time, in a land far away,
There lived a young traveller, who wandered all day.
He searched for adventure and new things to see,
But some days were long, and lonely as could be.

On those endless days, he would walk and he'd roam,
Through deserts and forests, and far from his home.
The sun beat down on him, with its scorching heat,
And he'd long for a friend or someone to meet.

But often he'd find, as he walked through the land,
No one to talk to, no one to lend a hand.
So he'd keep on walking until the day was done,
And he'd find a place to rest when the setting sun had come.

But one day, as he walked through a dense forest glade,
He heard a soft voice, and he wasn't afraid.
He followed the sound, and then he could see,
A small woodland creature, staring up at a tree.

The traveller approached, with a friendly smile,
And the creature looked up and spoke after a while.
He told the young man of a magical land,
Where friends were aplenty, and loneliness was banned.

The traveller was intrigued, and decided to go,
To the land of the creature, where friendship did flow.
And there he found friends, and a family too,
And he never again felt the loneliness he once knew.

So if you're ever lost, and feeling alone,
Just keep on walking, and follow the unknown.
For you may just find, a friend or two,
And they'll help to guide you, to a new life.
© to pay ali-muahaha