

One day when it was a night time iam watchimg telivision and i heard many people shouting and it was 8pm,and it was and accident a lorry dashed on acar and two person are injured and one person is died and we admited them in the hospital and one of the person who was injured call meand gave me an address and he was dead and i was shocked because he was dead ..... and and i went their it was a small kingdom but i have no keys to enter and tap the door and it atmotacily it was opened and i was shocked and no one inside the kingdom suddenly the door close and i was afraid i took by phone for torch and a room door opens but their a big hall and i was affraid and i heard a husky voice so i planed to go to home and i tried to open the main doors but it does not opens so i jump out of the house through a window a i escaped . And the next morning i called my friends ; Harinish,Vishwa,and,safeque ,and we went to the that kingdom and i opend a room door and it was full of skeletons and it was a kingdom of terror and we closed the door and their was old clock it is still runing it 10am and we went inside the kingdom and we saw three rooms and all three are locked and their was an hammer and we brake the doors lock and we entered inside the first room abd it was full of blood and deadbody and we opened the 2nd room but nothing inside that and we opened the 3rd room it was full of gold and their was sward in the center of the gold i took that suddenly a huge noice their was many statues and i was alive and everyone said we are going to die but i said FIGHT ! AND WE ALL TOOK SOME WEPONS .. and no one can defete them with that wepons but i can defet them with that sward and we defeted them and finaly the kingdom got to shake and all gol was packed in a box atmotacally and from that sward i got a warrior suit and it went into my body and i got an paper in it was writen as wakanda i read that that the was activated and i said again and the suit was deactivated and then at lastwe call the police and inform this matter and gave this gold to them and we got and awards from the government but we dint find the screat of the kingdom till at the last

to be continued .......

writen by