

Continuence about Bella my service dog
Lets start right where i left off, after i got her anxiety under control she seemed so much more relaxed more stress free type of nature, all the steps i have took to help her has worked and and made her a much happier dog so now it was all about keeping up with all she had learned and keep it fresh in her mind, At first i didnt know if she was gonna be able to be my service dog with everything she had going on, I went and got what u call a clicker, when the dog does what you want u push it and it makes a loud click, then treat of chorse.
1st thing i wanted to teach her, (for service training) was block.. this is where when in line at store she will either do a sit or lay behind me so there is a space between me and the other people i dont like things close to me behind me i freak out... so i would have her follow treat and when it was behind me id click say block and treat repeating quite abit so she could practice to where all i said was block and she would do it... she was surprisingly a quick learner she was smart but could be stubburn lol, 2nd thing i taught her was when we were walking if someone came walking to pull me to the side to let them past not stay behind us, now to teach her thins one it kinda had to come naturl but i would need to influnce it, so as we just walk around if i noticed somone walking behind us id say side, to where she had to pull a lil to get to the off part of the sidewalk where grass is, all about repeating and patience, she got all these task needed, i also taught her to stop at crosswalks, wait for me to say ok then go.. the behaivrial training took 4 months of hard work, and still always making things better, service training too another 5 months or more, there was other task i taught her for inside the stores resterunts like in resterunts i taught her a tuck for under the table, stores i taught her to wak next to me with a cart and when i stoped she stoped and when i said stay she stayed.. no interactions with people while working because then it distracts them, she loves kids its so hard to say no when they ask so nicely to pet her lol.. but i have said no sorry not today, espually when my p.t.s.d was bad that day, need bella extra focused cause i sometimes like daze off and need her for direction, oh reminds me i also taught her to find the car, now this was just somthing she did, one day for the heck of it i said bella find our car for momma, and i was shocked she showed me where we had parked, there has been so many times where i just cant focus and remember and i need her to show me, she is such an amazing dog my bestie.
You may be thinking does she have time to be a dog, or is she like a robot that works all the time, well yes she has her off time she plays and we do things together our favorate is fishing, she loves going in the water and these fish like teasing her she has tryed scoba diving to get them, she also thinks that when my bobber bobs she gotta go grab it and bring it to me thinking fish, we have some awsome times, one of the funnest fishing moments was when my boyfriend chaught a fish and he was trying to reel it in so she wouldn't grab it cause if you didnt reel in fast enough she would grab and take the fish, hahaha well he wasn't fast enough and she jumped up so fast grabed his fish and took off, my boyfriend starting chasing her and she would stay in water cause she knew he wasn't gonna go in the water lmao...
It took us up to 5 minites to get it from her it was so funny i just couldnt stop laughing, and when i would try to get it out her mouth the turd was not gonna let it go easily, finally got it and of chorse fish had died, the moral of the situation is reel in fast and no worries lil fish reel slow and u become a meal lol...

i hope u guys have enjoyed this so far pls comment and let me know what u think?