

What Inspires You? Nature Or Nurture?

As I leaned on the pole situated on the dirty street where my house was located, weighing all my depression and anxiety, I couldn't help but smile at all the domestic animals that passed me by. Suddenly, I realised that all these animals have to fend for themselves and I doubt if there has ever been a time when they thought of committing suicide like I did. I smiled at the bird that teased the dirt water before flying quickly away into the sky while dipping it's wings in the orange sun rays. If these animals could survive on their own, why couldn't I as a human survive? Suddenly I took inspiration from the lives of these animals and decided to live my life and keep going no matter the obstacles. After all when the going gets tough, only the tough keeps going.
Yeah, why should I give up? The bird doesn't stop flying when there are no corns in sight. The Goat doesn't stop bleating when there are no millets out there.
Then I wouldn't stop breathing as long as there's something called HOPE. A hope that's alive
Didn't someone, somewhere say: Hold On. Pain Ends.?
If that's the case, I'll keep going.

Yay, crownwalks! it's time to live again!

© Crownwalks