

The Chosen One
I read it once, then twice. I wasn't imagining it - I had won the lottery! I couldn't pinpoint the feeling I felt inside, but excitement was surely one of them. I kept my composure and excited the store. Not many people were in the store to begin with so I didn't have to hide or anything. The store owner was really sweet and wished me success. I was happy he didn't do one of those typical jokes about giving him some of the money. Ha. I blew my mother phone up and told her we need to meet immediately! She was so anxious to see what the hurry was by the time I got to her. She was already home so I told her we need to turn our phones off as I told her the news. She was sweating and was excited about hearing this news. We both were extremely happy and gathered everything we needed to collect the money. Thank God it was morning so I had plenty of time to go and claim my funds. High credit score and paid expenses was the first thing on our list.
Magically the center I had to go to was very nice and also swift with the process. I had to show a few documents and took a couple of pictures. I told them I would like to remain anonymous about my win. I received a copy of the confidential form and then completed the last documents before being told my winnings will be completed in 2 business days. 50 increments of $10k was a lot and I was blessed that it was all mine and my immediate family. Of course we were not going to tell anyone outside of the household.
Getting the money was a breeze and I was happy. Turns out my brother ended up wanting his own place which was cool with me and my mother. I told him don't tell anyone about this even if you believe they won't say anything. People get crazy when money involved. He didn't say a thing of course and was happy with the money he had aside from his own place that he found within one day. He felt it called to him so cool. I couldn't stop praying and thanking the creator of the Universe for giving me this blessing. He knew I needed it like yesterday. My life just got better and O was set for life.

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