

Love Alarm (k-drama)
Umm so I'm not a diehard fan of k-drama but this one needs a shout-out.

So how does it feels living in a world where you you can find out your true love by using an app.
The app named "love alarm" which can tell you whether someone within a radius of 10m loves you. Interesting isn't it. Vse Shi hi h na jyada Kuch krna nhi bs app chalana h. Hehe just kidding.

So moving to the story (I won't exaggerate it) it's about a girl named Kim Jojo ((arrgh!Korean people n their name)) who also uses this app n come into a relationship with a guy but due to some happenings they separate. Meanwhile there is another guy who believes that he is her ideal match (it's not splitsvilla). Frustrated by all those happening she gets a shield on her app by the inventor of app ( who is unknown to world but is her friend). Later the alarm doesn't rang off {due to shield obviously} so she get another point to help her break up. Keeping it up at the end of 1st season they show that 2.O version of this app is going to be released.

So I haven't watched the 2nd season yet but looking at trailer if looks like due to covid some changes have been made. I read a spoiler that stated Jojo chose the other guy over her ex ( I assume this only happened).
To find out more u can watch or either read episode summary.

This drama is available on Netflix but if u don't have subscription then u can watch on dramacool [as this site is copy we can say so there are too many pop-ups n at a point of time u will be irritated].
P.S. I ain't any reviewer just some honest thoughts I shared.

🔅If u r interested then please comment n tell whether u want to live in a place where u can find your love through app or in reality where destiny leads u to him/ her.

Ok enough of my bak bak. I know I irritated u all a lot. Please bear it. Vaise should I post more ideas for drama. Just kidding. Lekin man Kiya to kr dungi.

Signing off