

At the Speed of Thought
There's a little place not far down the road that serves the best waffles. I say they're the best but I've never been more than 200 miles in any direction from home. They sure do beat a frozen eggo waffle warmed up in a toaster though. We don't get a chance to go very often since we're pretty much always low on money. Times are sure tough but when the rare occasion arises we'll load up in our old beat up Ford with holes in the seats and its trail of white smoke and head down for a 5 star breakfast.

It's the best! I've said that already but it bears repeating. When you have nothing, a little something seems like a lot. As usual I was the first one in the door. My sister and dad brought up the rear. The smiling waitress took us to a booth with red seats and a wooden table and handed us menus. "What would you like to drink?" she asked.

I picked the kid favorite. "Root beer please". Then I ordered what I came for. Those sumptuous slabs of golden brown heaven drenched in syrup and whipped cream.

As I waited I looked around and something odd snagged my mind but it's nature escaped me. I felt a vague unease. There were other diners in the place with us. Each doing their own thing. One fellow was wiping his mouth with a napkin. He looked to be done and wondering after the check. Another table held an older couple, probably in their 80s, and they were still gazing at their menus. Further down was a family with little kids. One was in a highchair, little plastic bib already in place, and he was scribbling furiously on the kids placemat.

Nothing LOOKED out of place. I couldn't shake the strange feeling though. I was just about to ask dad if he noticed anything weird when I glanced out the window. The words dried up in my mouth and I found out what had been bothering me this whole time.

When we came into the restaurant it had been a sunny morning with a clear blue sky. Barely a wisp of cloud to be found. Now, as I looked out, everything had a green hue. As if the sun were being cast through the canopy of some great forest. Even stranger, everything was wavering as if I were looking into a great furnace and the heat was distorting the light as it traveled. As I watched the light became harsher. A pure monochromatic green that erased all other colors completely. Everything was shades of green.

All I could do was stare stupidly. My voice and limbs failed to respond to my attempts to exclaim at what I was seeing. That green light was apparently held back by the glass as everything inside appeared normal.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw the fellow, who was earlier finishing his meal, get up and head to the register. The waitress took his money and handed back the appropriate amount of change. He turned and went for the door. He reached for the handle and as he pushed the door out.

I was filled with horror as I watched the green heat ooze through the crack of the opening door and flow over and around the man. He stopped and a strange look passed over his face. But that was all. He continued on and went out to his car, for all the world as if it was just a normal day.

I turned and looked at my dad and he was looking at me with one eyebrow cocked. A sure sign he was concerned about me. "You alright kid?"

It was then that I realized that I was apparently the only one seeing these things. My fear increased. Was I insane? Maybe I had a brain tumor and it was inducing hallucinations? A million reasons why flashed through my brain. Horrible conclusion after terrible scenario ticked off a mental list.

It was then that I noticed a change from the corner of my eye. The green light was getting lighter. The distortions less distorted. Other colors returned as the natural light took its rightful place. I even saw birds flitting about the cars in search of those bits people sometimes drop.

Unable to express my experience and unwilling to proclaim my insanity I swallowed a lump in my throat and looked down at my hands. The waitress came bustling up with our plates and set my waffles down in front of me. They were steamy and yummy looking and just how I liked them. And I knew I couldn't eat them. Who would've thought that I could ever not want to eat waffles!?

My most favorite thing in the world.