

Deer in the headlights
My home has long gotten occupied by cruel creatures. They have killed our giant friends who provided food for us, and commanded rock to their will. Now a path of it lies in the forest. I was not alive when it had happened, the elders spoke of it. You could here many stories about them. They walk on two legs, and wear some type of fur they can get out of and change to another. They can walk, but sometimes they crawl into quick, loud beasts of rock and controll them as they wish. Or so they say. I never met one.

I have been warned of them. They are unpredictable. Some of our members have been killed by these beasts. But sometimes, they have mercy, and let us live. You can never know.

And I don't know either still. The beast is in front of me, shining its eyes and growling, but stands still. I cannot see the creature in it, but I know these beasts don't move by themselves, so there is definitely one here. I am looking it in the eye, scared it might move and kill me the second I move a muscle. I must be silent. I must be like stone. One wrong move and it's over. What does it want? Is it perhaps inspecting whether I would be a nice meal? Or is it just tired and taking a break? I don't know, but whatever happens, I hope this ends quick.

The shining silver spot on the dark blanket is high above me with it's younglings. I look the beast in the eye again, and above its eyes to look at the creature I do not see but know is there and I dare it to move. I dare it to end me now or go and leave. This is my home and I walk as I please, go or kill me now. The beast stays still. Then it yells. I stay where I stood. I am not so easily frightened, do whatever you wish I will not move. It yells once more, it almost takes away my hearing and it disturbs the Ones Who Discover The Above Blanket.

It slowly moves towards me ending our little game of staring. I stay still. It stops. I am scared, but do not move. Have mercy, I plead. But I will not move. It moves again, getting closer, I fear it might eat me. But I stay still. And at last, it backs up, and passes by me. It had mercy on me. I finally move.

Light, growling and wind. And suddenly, pain. Another beast has come this way and it did not have as much mercy as the one before. It hurts. I might be crying but I am not sure. The creature steps out of the beast and lowers their body to my grotesque self. It holds something shiny and solid in its distorted forelegs and talks. I do not understand. All goes blank and cold, suddenly quiet. And I rest.

© anaelmallory