

Write a story based on this famous excerpt from Angels & Demons by Dan Brown:

Science tells me God must exist. My mind tells me I will never understand God. And my heart tells me I am not meant to.

During one of my visits in India, a friend of mine convinced me to attend a spiritual seminar with her. I had never been to a spiritual seminar before. I was curious and agreed to accompany her. The seminar was supposed to be delivered by a renowned mystic sage named Dr.Spacebar. I had never heard of him before but I later learnt that he was one of the most popular spiritual leaders in India. The seminar was attended by mostly the young and affluent. The session was an interactive one.

Dr. Spacebar looked around the gathering and pointed to a young girl.

"Oh great sage! Can science prove the existence of God?" asked a young girl.

"Pupil. Science tells me God must exist. God is the only person who can create science. God can prove the existence of science but science cannot prove the existence of God. You see the creator can prove the creation but the creation, that is science here cannot prove the creator God. In fact science is one of the angels created by God. That angel decided to defy God and become the God itself. God turned science into a demon and cast it onto earth. Since then science is trying to prove the existence of God so that it can turn into an angel again. I know few scientists who came very close to finding God but they failed because they lacked spirituality. That is what I am trying to tell this younger generation, don't go chasing science, it is a demon. Come to me. I will open your spiritual eyes, ears and nose. You will find answers to all the questions that science cannot answer." said Dr.Spacebar.

"Oh great sage! Thank you." said the girl who asked the question.

Dr. Spacebar glanced around and pointed to a timid young man in the front.

"Oh great sage! My mind tells me I will never understand God. Can you help me?" asked a young man.

"Pupil. Everybody has two minds. Do you know that? There is God-mind and man-mind. To understand God you need to use the God-mind. And more importantly you should stop using the man-mind. You see the man-mind will ask a lot of questions and confuse the God-mind. Questions are the first enemy of God. Whenever someone asks a question that begins with 'Why' they kill a small piece of the God-mind. Over the period of time their God-mind becomes insignificantly small that they will never be able to understand God." said Dr.Spacebar.

He then looked at the young man who asked the question and continued.

"You are young so don't worry. All you have to do is stop asking questions. Then your man-mind will disappear and God-mind will be one with God. In a few years you will be me." said Dr. Spacebar.

The crowd lightened and mild laughter broke the silence.

"No. Seriously. I am not joking. That is all you need to do. The sooner you do it and the more rigorous you are, the faster you will understand God." said Dr. Spacebar.

"Oh great sage! Thank you. Thank you very much." replied the young man who started the discussion.

Dr. Spacebar randomly pointed his finger in a direction. All the eyes were on me. I was not prepared for this. I began to grow a bit uneasy. Luckily my friend's presence of mind saved me.

"Oh great sage! What role does our heart play in understanding God?" my friend asked.

Dr. Spacebar smiled and thought for some time.

"Pupil. That is a very good question. In essence your heart is who you are. It contains your soul. In ancient times everything was related to the heart for this reason. Our ancestors understood the role of heart in spirituality. Today we don't give importance to the heart any more. Heart does not play a role in understanding God. Your heart will tell you that you are not meant to understand God. And my heart tells me I am not meant to. If you stop trying to understand God and listen to your heart you will hear the voice of God speaking to you. Because God resides in your heart." said Spacebar.

Everyone nodded.

The discussion continued for another hour or so. But there was only one thing going in my mind.

“Is it really safe to sane in a mad world.”

© spacebar