

MINECRAFT : The Story of Steve ( Part 2 )
In the previous part of the story , Steve became hopeless and thought that now he could do nothing in this world .

The survivors of the attack ( villagers ) tried to give hope to Steve . They told him that he was given so much knowledge and training by his parents , yet he couldn't save him because he didn't have the confidence to do it . They were the remaining ones and he got to do something to retain their livelihood and protect them at all costs , even if he is not ready .

Steve finally got some hope and asked the villagers to find some iron . They brought the Iron ore while Steve created a Furnace . He put all the Iron in the Furnace and after sometime , iron ingot came out of it . So , he used all of the iron ingot to make Iron Blocks and created two GOLEMS to protect the villagers . Steve told that he would find a shelter nearby for the villagers to rest before setting new houses .

So , he went into a nearby forest and searched for a village . He didn't get a village , but after sometime , he found a big cave . He went inside the cave to check whether it is big enough to make the villagers stay here .

When he went inside , it seemed to him as if it belonged to someone . There were book shelves , enchantment table , photo frames of a dog and a girl and he also found a Trident . When he looked closely on the Trident , he saw a name written on it . It was the Trideny of a girl named ALEX .

Suddenly , he heard a sound from outside and hid himself behind the bookshelves . He thought that the owner of the cave has returned .

To be continued.......

To read the same story through Alex's perspective , follow @IloveUT . She writes about Alex .
© Chayan Behera