

The Unforgettable Day
I can never forget the joyous days of my childhood, especially the summer when all we did was swim in the river or lie on it's edge. Those were some days filled with full of jovial memories which I can't forget at all. We're having our summer vacation and this spell of time was the best part of the year. No schools and hardly we're having any tuitions and enjoyment was at the peak. But when I was in standard nine a thing happened to me in the summer vacation which was unforgettable that I have never imagined. We went to playground to play cricket and that day we're having a match with our neighbour village. So we reached there at 3 o'clock our opponents were already there. So the team was already selected and I wasn't playing that day because the team was full and some new player were being tested. So the coin was flipped in the air we lost it. Our opponent chose to bat first. Then after the first innings the score was a bit more then we expected so the second inning was going to be nail biting. But suddenly I saw my younger brother coming to me. He told me to come home as mom was calling me but I didn't go as my mind was fully involved in the match. That day we lost the match and went to home sadly. When I reached home I directly went to the washroom to get a bath. When I came I saw my mother crying I was so worried seeing that scene. I asked my mother what happened but she didn't reply then I went to my father who was next to my mom and he was also deeply sad. After asking so many time my father asked me to go my room and not to talk to them. Listening that i was so agigated thinking that what happened that my father said like that. Then I requested 2 3 time to say what happened but they didn't uttered a word. Then I went to my room very anxiously but my room light was off and it was totally dark that I wasn't able to see a thing. Then something fell in my hand it felt like a lizard and i was frightened and yelled but then something happened which was so unpredictable. The light was suddenly switched on my room was fully decorated and my cousins and friends were there. A big cake cake was there happy birthday written on it. Then my mom and dad came there saying happy birthday to me. I was so overwhelmed at that time seeing all the decorations and obviously the gifts. That day we all enjoyed much and was an unforgettable day because that was tha first time I didn't remember my birthday and the surprise was too unpredictable. That day was so memorable because that day I went through many emotions first sorrow then anxiety and then agitation and then surprise and a lot of happiness. Surely one of the best day of my life was that day. 😊
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