

Love with gazetted officer part-4
We ( Me and baba) were seating on a small sofa. There was small tea table infront of us where we were being offered with small rasagullas, tea and some water. Aruj's mother came from the kitchen and she was seating on a chair on the other side of the table infront of us. Aruj's elder sister was seating beside her mother. While, on the left side of the table Aruj's father was seating and right side his grand uncle was seating. I observed the cracked and faded walls of the room. Aruj's father pointed at it and told us that there is no need for repairment, be it as it is. He also gave lot many excuses which I hardly remember. I saw Aruj's grandfather's photo on the wall wearing a Gandhi cap. There were few cups and medals kept in a small showcase with Aruj's childhood pic. I asked to her mother about that. She told me it belongs to Aruj.
My father asked everyone whether they liked me or not. His grand uncle told him "yes, sweet girl." Then my father asked them that whether they have finalized any date. Aruj's father told him "You tell us the date." My father put the religious calender on the table which he took with him. I saw Aruj's father in a sarcastic smile while looking at his brother. My father asked for some water so that he could wash his hands. Aruj's father told him the wash basin is right there. He stood up and went to wash his hands. I felt little bad on this. Anyways, everyone has a different culture. After that my father opened pink colour religious calender. After looking for sometime he told everyone that February 18 would be perfect. Aruj's family said nothing. After that my father told that I want to give my daughter few items as a token of love. Please, allow me to do so. Earlier, Aruj's father had told us that they are against any kind of dowry or gifts. Now, suddenly Aruj's father told " you can give anything you want". I was surprised. Then, he narrated a story which seemed a bit made up to me or maybe it was true but understood the intent. He told us that his brother (bhaisahab) has spent amost 1 crore rupees during his daughter's marriage. He also told that not only that he also added cashews to the rotis(flatbreads) as stuffing on demand of groom's family. He told us that we give cash amount both during engagement and marriage to the groom. Then, he also added DSPs and SPs everyone salutes him. He has a great hold in the society. We kept on listening everything. Then, my father said we are middle class simple people. Not that rich. It's beyond my capacity to do such things. Then, he kept on asking about their rituals. The material things that can be given. Aruj's mother added all the things come from bride's family during "Karwachauth", a festival of worshipping moon and husband. The conversation went on for sometime. Then, at a point they told us that they want the wedding ceremony to be done here. We were completely shocked! My father became angry. He said "No no. Not at all. Marriages happen at bride's place only. It's not possible for me to arrange everything here at such a far place. " They kept on insisting again and again. Now my father became louder and told them "Why did you called us then? There is no point of coming from such a far place. " Aruj's brother immediately told his sister to take me inside another room. We all went inside except my father, Aruj's father and his grand uncle. After going inside I was allowed to sit a queen size bed. I was told by his mother that it's Aruj's room. The room looked clean with an almirah beside the bed. I saw two children playing there (Aruj's niece and nephew). I cuddled them and asked them their names. Aruj's mother, brother and sister were sitting with me. Our chitchats started. Aruj's mother told me that they were looking for a bride since a long time. Now their dreams will be fulfilled. She asked me whether my curls are natural or not. I laughed at this. She even added whether I have any kind of health issues. I told them no. I suffered from serious dengue two years back that's it. I could hear my father's voice lowered a bit. Aruj's mother then said me please tell your father to do this marriage ceremony here. I just smiled. Then, we were presented with food for lunch. Long grained rice, ghee roti, dal, bhindi ki sabji(lady's finger curry), kairi ka achar ( dry mango pickle), lchaanch ( buttermilk), halwa (sweet dish) were the dishes of the day. After having our lunch and sitting for sometime we went for sightseeing.
To be continued....
-Sangita Chatterjee
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