

"Can you please stop it !", April yelled at her friend.
"Please stop feeling sorry for your self." She continued, "There are millions out there who have been through WORST than you can imagine."

"Listen, I am not being ungrateful here, okay ?", Henry replied. And continued, "I..I know there are millions out there suffering more than I can imagine.. But the point is that, if their sufferings are worst than mine, does not mean that my sufferings doesn't matter, my pain doesn't matter !!", he yelled back at her. "And one more thing I AM NOT FEELING SORRY FOR MYSELF", he emphasized. "And if I have accepted my fate, does not mean that I have forgotten what has happened with me."

"It's just that sometimes out of no where all the flash backs come rushing to me and my heart terribly breaks again. I go through that torture again.
I experience that pain, suffocation, anger AGAIN ! "

"..and I am just asking you to leave me for that period of time, please.", he plead to her with crack in his voice.

April stood there for some seconds and then left from there, not before planting a lingering kiss on his forehead. Assuring him that she is there for him, always.

I seriously don't know if this makes any sense to you. But I know I tried my best. I hope you enjoyed reading.


P.S: Tried something, again. 💬
© Heartthatspeaks🦋