

Innocence raped
Congrats! Again, a girl was raped. Congrats! Again, a pure soul was murdered. Congrats! Again, society managed to shut a mouth. Congrats! Again, a devil won over innocence.
And again this time, a 13 year old girl was forcefully set quite with the concept of “log kya kahenge” (what will people say). This time we can’t blame police for their absence because this time this crime happened in a police station and the criminal was a police man.
We talk about girls safety so, why did this happen at a place where we expect safety and where we request for safety. Mostly the girls are blamed for their dressing and their style and their frank nature, but this time it happened with a 13 year old girl and now what are we suppose to do. Still, would it be appropriate to blame girls for their dressing?
She was raped for 4 months continuously and was called daily to the police station just to satisfy a devil. And after those 4 months when the devil finally got bored, the girl was forced to abort the child who was growing inside that innocent, 13 year old girl.
The head inspector just simply suspended that police inspector thats it. But that girl suicides because she couldn’t face whatever happened to her. She kept blaming herself for everything that happened with her and at last committed suicide.
Now the question is: was it really her fault? Was it enough to suspend that devil? Aren’t we at fault? If she wouldn’t have been quite and if the society had supported her would she be alive today? I don’t want any answers. I just request everyone that stop blaming the victims. And start supporting them.
We can’t even wonder how much can someone presence or someone’s shoulder can help those victims stand for them selves. Teach your daughters, your sisters, your mothers and all the women around to fight for them selves. Make them learn self defence. Make them scream when they stuck in such situations. And don’t blame them for any mishap that happens. They need your support not your blame because for blaming, there are millions and billions of people who will do that to them.
Stay strong girls and learn to fight for your self because no one will do that for you. Thankyou
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