

Dangerous Love - 10
As kabir moved wheelchair his hand hit the newspaper which falls on the lap of Sam. He read the headline of the news. But he was not shocked.
"you want to ask something" asked kabir.
" will you answer or you will ignore it as you usually do." replied Sam.
"what you want to know tell me . I give my words I won't neglect the question or change the topic. You have to promise you won't touch the topic ever again" requested kabir.
" tell me everything, from first to last. How did you came to know Myana was behind this, whom did you loved, why doubted Maithili tell" asked Sam holding some range of emotions.
" you see....."
6month back 6pm
Myana was with kabir in his car but she ask him to stop as she have urgent work which she wanted to meet someone. She promise kabir she will reach on time. Kabir try to question her but she pick up his phone.
" can i use your phone to call" asked myana. Kabir agree but never questioned her. She drop message to Maithili to come little early and immediately delete the message.
" I will meet you at the place. Don't worry I won't be late" said myana waving kabir.
Kabir decided to pick up Maithili from her house as he wanted to apologize as she got wounded because of him.
Kabir reaches Maithili's apartment. He found the door was opened. He heard some sound but found something strange. Only torch light on and rest was closed. Maithili was scared of dark she use keep her light open. He hide to see who was there. He finds out it Myana who had entered in her apart. He immediately message Maithili where she was. She replied that she is on her way to old palace.
" I can't find anything, I know she has my diary. Somehow I will catch hold her and get my diary. If she get know about my plan then.. " Myana murmured and leave the place
"what she is talking about, what diary why it's related to her" kabir said in his mind.
As myana leave he takes out the key from mat and open the door. He uses his phone torch for sometime as he was waiting for myana to leave the place. He switches on the light and search Maithili room but find nothing in frustration he hit his leg on the bed. He hear the sound as something is fallen on the ground. He bend down and find the diary on the floor. She has hidden myana's diary opposite side of the bed. As kabir open the first page he finds blood printed hand on the page. He was about to puke because of the smell. But somehow he managed remain in his sense.
" My dear kabir. I love you. But I don't want to share you with anyone specially that Maithili. She should understand it is not necessary that what we wish we always get. Why don't she chose and take Sam. He is a nice guy. He Infact have soft corner for her. One day definitely both of them will fall in love. At least they should give a try. Why don't she leave you alone. At any cost i will get you kabir. For this if I need to remove them from my way i will do it. If kabir refuses my love then and chose Maithili if not her then someone else what I am going to do. Yes one thing is for sure if kabir is not mine i wont let anyone take kabir, for this, If I need to kill Maithili I will do it if not her then Sam and kabir if don't accept it i will kill you too"
Kabir was reading everything in his mind. Now he know why Maithili was behaving like this. She read her diary when her books got exchanged with myana in college.That's why Myana ran back to classroom just to get her diary back, Maithili stopped kabir as she was scared that she may hurt him, that's why she was behaving like this so, everyone would hate her, stay away from her and neglect her just to keep them safe. Kabir was stunned. What and all he was thinking about Maithili and she sacrificed so much for them.

In present
" I never thought Myana could do this, I liked her but never loved her. I wish she could understand that you can't force anyone to love." said kabir
" Love is a dangerous game. We don't know what others are thinking and wanted to do and their one action can lead to destruction and the result of the consequences is death". Said Sam remembering his old. Time.
" you are right.. Absolutely right... I know you loved myana and liked Maithili but as a friend, I liked Maithili, Maithili loved me and myana came to know about our feelings for each other , myana was mad in love she wanted me at any circumstances That's why myana lost her sanity just to own me, you lost your control on your lower body as myana pushed you from staircase because you reached their e
little early, you saw myana was trying to kill Maithili , to save her you ran towards them just to save and.. and.. Poor Maithili , she sacrificed herself just to save us. Myana hit her head with vase to kill her but she only lost her conscious . To save herself and hide her deeds she put blame on Maithili for trying to kill Sam and myana. So, Maithili will become main culprits. She will be blamed for the accident which happened in the palace. She used to keep pocket knife for her safety and guard herself but to save me from myana, She took that knife in her body, she lost her life, she chosed the death on which my name was written. " kabir trying to help Sam to stand. They look in the sky, smiling hoping Maithili will forgive them as she became a bait in this game of dangerous Love.
© bunny