

Avenues of Life.
How do we process loss and death?
As human beings, we are made up of so many emotions. To many to count. As the mind always strives to think in the clearest of ways, as much as it can.
As we wander down the avenue of life, we are drawn to different roads.
As we learn to face life head on and work out way through those challenges that are presented to us, as me travel along our way.
Or we can find ourselves simply at times drowning. Drowning, in the waterfall of life's frustrations.
Sometimes, that middle path can be, so hidden from view. That we can become stuck. Stuck in the maze, trying to navigate our way round it.
As our life experiences can prove to be somewhat problematic, at the best of times. Those common place feelings of fight or flight, can test us. Leaving us, with the need to question things and reflect upon our own unique avenue of life in general. We then become the story teller, for our own emotional education. When expressing that personal life journey.
When those situations that can differ from page to page, gain an uneasy sense of show and tell.
We make choices only from those stands that are taken.
Sometimes, we don’t need to place...