

USI Chapter #03
Chapter 3
Islam after the Death of Prophet (Peace Be upon Him)
Section a
Disunity of Islam.
Section b
Occurrences of Differences. Section – a
As no system or advice for the system of government was left by the Prophet (Peace Be upon Him), the Muslims got stunned on hearing the news of the death of the Prophet (Peace Be upon Him). The second caliph Hazrat Umar (May Allah Be Pleased with Him) went to the extreme, that he declared, if any body talked about the death of the Prophet (Peace Be upon Him), he would be met with his (Umber’s) sword. It was Hazrat Abu Bakr (May Allah Be Pleased with Him), the first caliph, who calmed the audience and Hazrat Umar (May Allah Be Pleased with Him), by first quoting the Quranic verse, in which Muslims were asked, if Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) was killed or dies naturally, would the Muslims abandon the faith on unity of God??? After quoting this verse Hazrat Abu Bakr (May Allah Be Pleased with Him) said that Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) was a human being and he had died. Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) worshipped God and God is alive. All those who believe on God should remain steadfast on their faith, as God is still alive even though Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) had died. Hazrat Umar (May Allah Be Pleased with Him) later on said that it was due to recitation of the above quoted verse by Hazrat Abu Bakr (May Allah Be Pleased with Him) that the curtains of passions were withdrawn from his mind, even though this verse was many times recited by Hazrat Umar (May Allah Be Pleased with Him) and all other Muslims before. As already said, that there was no advice available with Muslims from the Prophet (Peace Be upon Him) nor Quran had given any set system of government for the Muslims, therefore, after the demise of the Prophet (Peace Be upon Him) of Islam, the Muslim community had to evolve themselves a system of government, getting the light form Quran and life of the Prophet (Peace Be upon Him). The Muslims of Ansaar community, who had given a lot of sacrifice for unity and prosperity of Islam, assembled in the mosque of Banu Thaqiffa and tried to get Baith for Ansaar leader, Hazrat Saad bin Abada (May Allah Be Pleased with Him), who was sick and was brought in a cot to the mosque. Hazrat Umar (May Allah Be Pleased with Him) after hearing this news from Hazrat Abu Obaida (May Allah Be Pleased with Him) counseled with Hazrat Abu Bakr (May Allah Be Pleased with Him) and they rushed to the said mosque and there they calmed the Ansaar. Both Muhajireen and Ansaar did Baith on the hand of Hazrat Abu Bakr (May Allah Be Pleased with Him), being considered as the nearest, during the lifetime of the prophet (Peace Be upon Him). This Baith was not pre-planned but was done on the spur of the occasion, to avoid the disintegration in the Muslim community. The family of the Prophet (Peace Be upon Him), Banu Hashim, felt aggrieved on this choice of caliph, but for the unity of the Muslim Community, Banu Hashim kept mum. As soon as the matter of Khilaft was settled, two other problems aroused. Many tribes of Arab refused to pay Zakat to the center at Madina. These people were dealt severely by the first Caliph as they had refused Zakat, which is one of the main pillars among the five basic pillars of worship in Islam. Armies were sent against these defaulters and people were made to abide by the teachings of Islam. The other problem, which was of false apostles, had arisen throughout Arabia just near and after the death of Prophet (Peace Be upon Him). Four, or five apostles, in them one woman was also included, challenged the authority of the Caliph at Madina. The most dangerous among them was Musailma Kazab. The Caliph armies were sent against these false apostles, who made the most of the false apostle to withdraw from their stand and Musailma was killed after a fierce battle, the battle is known as the battle of garden. Among other numerous problems after the death of Prophet (Peace Be upon Him), settling of these three problems, i.e. succession to the seat of Khilafat, refusal to pay poll tax (Zakat) and false apostles stopped and delayed the impending danger of disintegration of Muslim brotherhood. Section – b
OCCURANCES OF DIFFERENCES The three main occurrences of differences among the Muslims have already been touched in section–a of this chapter. These differences among the Muslims were smoothened by the first Caliph and after settlement of these problems; Muslim armies were free to tackle with the foreign dangers, which were in shape of Persian and Roman empires. Muslim armies won many victories over the enemies till the time of third Caliph, i.e. Hazrat Usman (May Allah Be Pleased with Him). The enemies of Islam had realized that in the battlefield, Muslim armies could not be defeated so they planned to hit the Muslims at their center point. At the dawn of Islam at Mecca, Prophet (Peace Be upon Him) had invited his relatives for a feast at his house to offer the new faith of Islam to them. During these occasions, Prophet (Peace Be upon Him) had announced that if anyone among them stood by him, he would be his Naib or Wasi. This announcement was done three times, Hazrat Ali (May Allah Be Pleased with Him), the fourth Caliph offered himself all the three times, whereas due to Abu Lahab’s disturbance of the gatherings did not let these meetings to reach any fruitful conclusion. Banu Hashim and some prominent companions of Prophet (Peace Be upon Him) preferred Hazrat Ali as Imam of Muslims after Prophet (Peace Be upon Him). Muslims had conquered many new lands such as Syria, Egypt and Persia till Turkestan. The enemies of Islam took advantage of this deference of choice of Imam among the companions of the Prophet (Peace Be upon Him) and by spreading false rumors against the third Caliph, gathered large number of people from the new conquered lands and demanded the third Caliph to leave the seat of Khilafat. The third Caliph had chosen Marwan bin Hakam as his Vazir, who had been expelled by the Prophet (Peace Be upon Him) along with his father from Medina for their notorious characters. The same fellow was not excused by the first two Caliphs, whereas Hazrat Usman (May Allah Be Pleased with Him) being his relative, made him in charge of his whole government affairs. It were the doings of Marwan, that the gathered crowd against Hazrat Usman (May Allah Be Pleased with Him), which had been disbursed, again came to Medina and killed the third Caliph by becoming furious due to the actions of Marwan. The gathered crowd at Medina after killing Hazrat Usman (May Allah Be Pleased with Him) pressurized Hazrat Ali (May Allah Be Pleased with Him) to succeed as fourth Caliph of Islam. Hazrat Amir Mua’awiya, who was governor of Eqypt for last many years, he and his father had become Muslims at the conquest of Mecca. Being relative to Hazrat Usman (May Allah Be Pleased with Him) and head of the Umayyad clan of Quraish, were the old rivals of Banu Hashim, refused the order of fourth Caliph on the plea, for revenge of the blood of Hazrat Usman (May Allah Be Pleased with Him), the third Caliph. Hazrat Ali (May Allah Be Pleased with Him) had asked for strengthening his rule than the revenge of Hazrat Usman’s (May Allah Be Pleased with Him) blood could be settled. Battle of Camels, known as Battle of Jamal was fought between the Muslims, where Hazrat Ali (May Allah Be Pleased with Him) commanded one side and the Mother of the faithfuls Hazrat Ayesha (May Allah Be Pleased with Her) commanded the other side. This battle dented the Muslim brotherhood extremely. Fourth Caliph fought battles of Suffyan and Naharwan with Hazrat Amir Mua’awiya and Khawarij respectively. After the martyrdom of the fourth Caliph, his son Hazrat Hassan (May Allah Be Pleased with Him) abdicated the Khilafat in favor of Hazrat Amir Mua’awiya with certain conditions for sake of the integration of Muslim community. This sacrifice by Hazrat Hassan (May Allah Be Pleased with Him) consolidated the Muslim community till the life time of first King-Caliph of Islam. But when Yazeed was announced as the Crown Prince, by breaking the pact done by Hazrat Amir Mua’awiya with Hazrat Hassan (May Allah Be Pleased with Him), the King-Caliph made the Ullama to paint his this action for the betterment of the Muslim community, i.e. to avoid bloodshed on the occasion of succession of new Caliph as there was no set system or rules left by the Prophet (Peace Be upon Him). Hazrat Hussain (May Allah Be Pleased with Him), son of Hazrat Ali (May Allah Be Pleased with Him) refused the allegiance by saying that “O Muslims, a big default has occurred; you have left the preachings of Islam and started following Romans and Persians, as in Rome and Persia, son used to succeed the father to the throne.” The incident of Karbala was the culminating point between the two rival clans of Quraish, i.e. Banu Umayya and Banu Hashim. After the incident of Karbala, the differences among the Muslims did not need any nursing. These differences between the Sunni and Shia schools of thoughts got matured. The incident of Karbala was outcome of the Arab attitude for not granting real place to house of Hazrat Fatima (May Allah Be Pleased with Her), the daughter of the last Prophet (Peace Be upon Him). After the massacre of Ahl e Baith at Karbala, Banu Hashim struggled for the revenge and throne but it was Al Abbas who came out advantageous out of the rift between Banu Hashim and Banu Umayya, by succeeding to the seat of Khilafat at Baghdad by the help of army commanded by Abu Muslim Khurasani. This army was mostly mustered from Khurasan area, with the slogan of revenge of Ahl e Baith. This incident divided the Khilafat into two parts, Abbasids Khilafat was established at Baghdad and remains of Umayyads at Spain declared themselves independent from the authority of Caliph of Baghdad, hence, disintegrating the empire of Islam with two khilafat paralally. © mkwazire