

Wealth(part 1)
Many times we have been looking for ways to earn money. Looking left and right, reading books of this man and than man but end up with nothing. In my education before high school;in mathematics marks were awarded by method, answer and then bonus. We always look use right and wrong methods to approach the question of wealth. Even some who use the correct approach end up writing 1(one) instead oof 7(seven) messing up everything.As long as you use the wrong method you can never have the right answer. So we have to make sure we have the right method approach so that we can have a correct answer and then bonus mark.

So what are the correct method(s) we can use to correct the wrong methods we have been using. Me with my 16 years of age and inexperienced can only day one thing. The only way you can gain wealth before even the idea of actions speak louder than words is finding wealth. Don't get me wrong I didn't say actions don't speak louder than words cause even the way you will seek wealth is through actions.

to be continued...
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