

The Sun's Call
The sun beamed through the softening clouds, warming up the grainy sandstone and delicate limestone. Gently, the wind drifted through the valleys, picking up leaves and loose pebbles on the way. The warmth of the morning star ran across his skin, a slight glow radiating from him. He stood silently, taking in the picturesque view before him. His breath hitched, the valleys weaving in and out, unsure of where they end and start, not unlike the Minotaur's labyrinth. His arms ached and palms rubbed raw from scaling each individual mountain, their height comparable to a skyscraper. His breath was taken away, not only from climbing non-stop, but from what nature behold infront of him. As the rock transitioned into soft, windswept desert sand, a clear, full oasis could be seen just about a mile away. Tall, drooping trees covered the glistening water in areas of shade, hiding it as if it were a child's secret. Small, vibrant birds soared through the trees and brushed over the lake's surface. Colours flew throughout the scenery, an iridiscent rainbow overlooking it. He couldn't believe it, how had he not noticed this sooner?

The shimmering waves of the lake, bordered by mossy and berry filled bushes, reflected the sun's beauty and her overwhelming presence. Each passing second, the sun seemed to move further and further away until eventually, it was positioned over nature's painting. She called out to him, like a siren to a pirate. His body moved before his mind could think. Pale lizards attached to his trouser leg before scurrying off in fear, vultures loomed over him before they realised he was not free prey, ants redirected their work as they saw him as an obstacle. The sun called him and called him closer to the longing oasis,

'til he was no longer.

© alexdemp