

Chapter 42
Jason's P.O.V
Sara was actually driving. I was in the front seat with her while, Jessica and the twins were at the back. The drive was silent. The kids were playing games, Jessica was texting and I was just sitting and waiting for someone to say something. " I can't believe you had twins Jess. That night with Jason must have been a special night", Sara said smiling and looking at me. A smile crept up on my face as I remembered the night that I made love to Jessica. The night after graduation. The night that we never thought would actually bring us twins. Two beautiful children in this world. " Ah...yeah. It was", she commented. Layla cleared her throat smiling. " So....how do you like Canada?", Layla asked. I looked at Layla signaling that she was asking too many questions now. " It's nice ", Jess said looking up. I knew Jess was not in the talking mood because she was constantly answering the questions using two words. After a  while, Jess and the kids fell asleep and Layla and I were the only ones up. " Did you do that to her?", Sara whispered taking a look at Jessica's face through the front mirror. I closed my eyes answering. " Yeah and I regret it. I wasn't thinking straight.", I whispered back opening back my eyes. " I know. And that was wrong of you Jason. No offense but I think you need to schedule back an appointment with Dr. Thomas?. Your Therapist.", Layla said glancing at me. "Layla?. I' m not going back there. I' m fine now. I' m better", I said kind of shouting. I saw when Jase shifted. "Ok. If you say so. But don' t just do it for yourself Jason; do it for your kids", she said coming to a stop at the side of the road.

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