

Tainted (a fanfiction based on Game of Thrones Series) 01
Since I'm a fan of #GOTseries, and deeply inlove with Jon Snow, I've made a fanfiction story out of the original existing characters. Hope you all like it. Happy reading, everyone📖😘
Please note that I do not own most of the characters and scenes in this story.
I made up just quite a few of them. Hahahaha. I know you'll be mislead by this story but please bear with me. It's just a fanfiction, alright😂😂😂😁✌️

Chapter One: Slave to Captive

He was named as Warden of the North, the lord commander of the Night's Watch, the Prince that has been promised, friend of the freefolks, and was rumuored to be the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark. But for me, he was the coldest man I have ever met. Despite of it, I fell in love with him but he never knew it. He may never will.

My name is Racy Bolton.The legitimate daughter of Ross Bolton. Only a few knew about me, since, I was hidden by my father from the prying eyes of the Northerners and mostly from his enemies.
When the news spread all over the North that my half brother, Ramsay, betrayed and killed my father, most of the loyal men and servants of the House Bolton had fled away. They were terrified of what Ramsay could do if he were to invade my father's domain. But, I did not fear him. In fact, I loathed him because of what he just did to my father and I want to avenge my father's death.
But fate never let me. Upon Ramsay's arrival at the House Bolton, the remaining servants and soldiers were skinned alive and were hanged at the gates. He killed all of them and threw me at the kennels cage, threatened to be feed at the monstrous hounds if I wouldn't behave.
I was not aware of my brother's evil plan for me until we arrived at the Starks doorsteps. He brought me at Winterfell only to be sold as slave to Ned Stark's infamous Bastard, Lord Jon Snow. But Ramsay kept my true identity from them. His reasons? That, I didn't know of. He must be plotting something against the Starks and made me part of it.

Seven moons had passed when a raven from Riverrun arrived carrying a horrible news. Ramsay forcibly took Riverrun and took Sansa and Rickon, the true born children of Ned and Caitlyn Stark, as hostages.
Upon hearing the news from my fellow slaves, I was terrified of what Jon might do to me, if he found out I was the true-born heiress of Ross Bolton, the Traitor who had killed his half Brother, Robb Stark;his pregnant wife; and step mother, Caitlyn.

It was winter when Ramsay and Jon fought each other in the battlefield, where Ramsay had attempted to kill Rickon who was trying to escape from him. Ramsay was killed by Jon. But before he took his last breath, he told Jon about who I really was, made Jon believed I was ordered by my father to kill the remaining Starks by letting myself be sold as his slave.
Dread came over me when Jon arrived at the Gates of Winterfell. There was so much hatred in his eyes when he found me in the mess hall. I cowered in the corner when he made his steps towards me.

"What are you doing! Get away from me!" I screamed in horror when he harshly pulled my wrist.

"You scheming witch! If Ramsay hadn't reveal your true identity, you may have succeeded  slaughtering me and my whole family in our sleep!" His eyes were murderous as he looked at me.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Lord Snow..please free me at this instance. I'm scared. Have mercy, Lord Snow. " I whimpered.

I was terrified. I cried in so much fear. My eyes flooded with tears  as I continuosly pleaded for mercy.
I didn't know what I have done to make him this furious at me. I was not the one who killed his family. It was my father. But why did he have so much rage towards me?
All along, when I was sold as his slave here in Winterfell, he never dared took a second glance at me. Not even a single one. For him, I was just a mere servant girl. One of his slaves.

And I never wished for this to happen.

"Take her away and lock her in the dungeon."
He commanded his men as he threw me on the floor.

"If it's revenge you seek for what my father did to your family, you might as well kill me..I don't care anyway. I'm so tired of this. I'm so tired of always being scared, Lord Snow."
I sobbed. I clinched my fists and tried to calm myself from trembling.
If he wanted to kill me. Then, there's nothing I could do. What's Racy Bolton against Jon Snow, anyway? I'm nothing against this man. So, maybe, I'd just better accept my own horrendous fate.

My eyes became blurry of tears as I tried to look at him. I wanted to see his face for the last time. Because, I would never be given another opportunity to be with him this near again. Yes, I love him. I secretly fell in love with this man. Even if I feared him for my own safety, it was never a hindrance for me not to love him from afar and in silence. Jon Snow was every girls' dream. He was so admirable not just by his looks, but of his attitude towards his people.

And I guess my foolishness was over because right at this moment, Jon hated and despised the very existence of me.

I am Racy Bolton, he had known my true identity and I couldn't blame Jon of his sudden cruel treatment towards me. Ross Bolton's blood runs through my veins, so, that made me an enemy of the Starks.

"Water. I need water...please.. Let me drink water... "
I slowly opened my eyes. I felt so weak. I couldn't even lift my fingers even to touch my face. Every parts of my body had bruised and dried wounds. Everytime I tried to move, it would become so painful. It had been almost seven days since they've let me eat food and drink water. The following days were all hunger and beatings from his most trusted  men. I just wished they would just kill me to end my misery. But maybe Jon had other plans. Slow death for me, that I am so sure of.

"Racy Bolton." I heard the very familiar voice. It whispered my name. It was Bran Stark. The crippled. From that very day, I was sold to Jon Snow, Bran had approached me. He told me that he had seen me in his visions,  I would play the most important role in Jon's life. And this might be it.

"L-lord Stark.." I called out his name.
"I'm thristy, Lord Stark. Give me water.. I beg you."

"Open your eyes, Racy Bolton."
He commanded me.

"I.. can't. It hurts a lot, Lord Stark. I don't even have the strength to move. I felt so weak. I just wished to die.."

I heard unfamiliar voices. Maybe, Bran got companies.

"Get her out of here, and Hudor, take me to Jon's Chamber. I need to talk to him. And Get the maester and some servants to tend her bruises and wounds after."

As I heard him spoke, strong arms had lifted me up from the damp cold floor of the dungeon and... I fainted.

Meanwhile, at Jon's Chamber..

"I never ordered those men to punished her to death! You shouldn't accused me of something I didn't do, younger brother." his voice were firm and cold. Jon clinched his fists and tried to remain calm in front of his younger half brother.

"I wasn't accusing you, Jon. But with those bruises and wounds, I think your men had gone too far. They almost killed her. You must let her go. Set her free, Jon. It's her father who have wronged us, not her."

"But she lied to us! If Ramsay hadn't told me about her true identity, she might have succeeded with their plan of slaughtering us."

"That thought never came to my mind. She's just a girl and was not capable of killing people."

Whatever Bran might tell him, his decision was final. He will keep Racy Bolton as prisoner for attempting to commit a treason. Just like her father.
"If you came here because of her, then, you're just wasting your time, younger brother. I will not allow her to be freed. She was sold to me. And no one could stop me from anything I want to do with her. She's mine." He coldly said to Bran.
There was a knock on the door. It was Hudor. Jon motioned him to get Bran out of his Chamber and Bran left with disappointment written all over his face.
How come his big brother became so heartless to Racy Bolton? It was not Jon's nature. He was a very compassionate and a very good man. But since he came from the North of the wall and beyond, every bit of him has been changed.
For that, he felt pity for the girl.
What could have been waitingfor her under Jon? Maybe, none at all. His vision might be a big mistake..

To be continued....... 😉

© melai2020

Credits to the author and maker of the original characters and scenes of #GOT7

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