

In hardest times of our life, God takes the ashes of our lives and exchanges them for His Beauty .One of my favorite verse in the Bible comes from Isaiah 61 : 3 Says ..."He will give a Crown of beauty for ashes, a joyous blessing instead of mourning, festive praise instead of despair. In their righteousness, they will be like great oaks that the LORD has planted for His Own glory."

Sometimes, life is not always happy. It’s not always easy. It deals with disappointments, break down and failure ,Sometimes, it seems unfair and unworthy. The reality is that we all sinks in deep. Because many of us face these things atleast once in life. Yes , it's true that Sometimes it hurts. Sometimes it’s hard. Sometimes it’s dark. Sometimes it's tough And it leaves its mark, like ashes of sorrow, in the deepest parts of our souls, where no one but God can see those marks on your soul and only can feel your pain.You may understand if you have ever felt these ashes: if you have ever walked through the fire of hard situations and if you wondered you would come out the other side or not?

In those painful phases of Life , We may wonder where God is, or why He didn’t stop that difficult event's or situation's from our lives .We often blame God when bad things happens to us .We say things like, God why you allowed those bad things happens to me, why didn’t you stop me from making that decision? Why did you put those situations, those people in my life . Why didn’t You protect me?”And we questioned , Where God is in it all? Where is He now? In the midst of our shattered hope, and broken dreams we feel helpless and we may not always be Faithful and see it, or feel it, or even understand it, that God is with us. He is always there to embrace us in our weaknesses.we can know beyond a doubt.

For He will never leave us or forsake us, His love for us is greater than we could ever imagine .And that’s the key to the ashes that cover our sorrows in this life. The deeper Truth that shines through every bit of our suffering, and pain, is this, CHRIST came to set us free. CHRIST came to redeem. CHRIST came to bring hope. CHRIST came to bring Beauty from the Ashes.

God never intends for us to stay stuck in pain, or deep sorrow. He heals and restores. God Loves us endlessly. He calls us onward, He reminds us that in Him, we have great purpose and hope.

There’s beauty and greatness behind every mark of darkness. The ashes will fall away, they don’t stay forever, but His greatness and glory shine forever through every broken place and flaw we’ve struggled through. He is always with us and we have victory in Him . I encourage those who are facing deep battles . Feel God's Presence in their lives as He is greater than any enemy we face in this life. We overcome because He has overcome and our lives are hidden in CHRIST. May God cover you with peace, may He bring healing in the face of hard times, may He bring deep, abiding joy .may He bring comfort and care as He wraps us in His arms. The God of miracles fights for us today .He is Mighty ,His love endures Forever and There's still beauty ahead...straight out of ashes. Christ redeems Grace.

We have to be still and Faithful and We have to learn to be more like Job .( Faithful man in the Bible ) When Job was going through severe trials and tribulations did He blame God? No!

The more we lose and suffer in this life the more we should Worship God and say, “Blessed be the Name of the LORD.”

What Beauty for Ashes Really Means for me is that God is at work right now, trading my ashes for greater beauty. And I Praise God for making all things new in my Life.

Bible Says , in John 1 : 16

For from His fullness we have all received, grace upon grace.


~ Praise Smith

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